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OpenGL:请帮我理解这个 function

[英]OpenGL: Please help me understand this function

我试图理解这个 function,但我似乎无法理解这段代码是如何工作的。


void mountain::LoadData(const char* heightmap_filename)
    heightmap = cv::imread(heightmap_filename, 0);
    heightmap_rows = heightmap.rows;
    heightmap_cols = heightmap.cols;

    for (int i = 0; i < heightmap.rows; i++) 
        height.push_back(vector<float>(heightmap_cols, 0));

    for (int u = 0; u < heightmap_rows; u++)
        for (int v = 0; v < heightmap_cols; v++)
            height[u][v] = heightmap.at<uchar>(u, v);
            Points.push_back(BROAD_CONTROLLER * (u - 128));
            Points.push_back(BROAD_CONTROLLER * (v - 128));
            Points.push_back(HEIGHT_CONTROLLER * height[u][v]);
            Points.push_back((float)u / 255.);
            Points.push_back((float)v / 255.);

    for (int row = 1; row < heightmap_rows; row++)
        for (int col = 1; col < heightmap_cols; col++)
            indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
            indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col);
            indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
            indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
            indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col);
            indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col);

我可以知道 Points 向量插入的是什么吗?

Points.push_back(BROAD_CONTROLLER * (u - 128));
Points.push_back(BROAD_CONTROLLER * (v - 128));
Points.push_back(HEIGHT_CONTROLLER * height[u][v]);
Points.push_back((float)u / 255.);
Points.push_back((float)v / 255.);


indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col);
indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col);
indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col);

这是获得轮廓的 function,但我不明白这个 function 是如何工作的。

void mountain::FindSilhouette()
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < Points.size() / 5; i++)
        if (abs(Points[5 * i + 2] - SEALEVEL) < 2)
            slet buffer(Points[5 * i], Points[5 * i + 1], Points[5 * i + 2]);
            buffer.num = count;
Points.push_back(BROAD_CONTROLLER * (u - 128));
Points.push_back(BROAD_CONTROLLER * (v - 128));
Points.push_back(HEIGHT_CONTROLLER * height[u][v]);
Points.push_back((float)u / 255.);
Points.push_back((float)v / 255.);

Points包含连续的 5 个浮点组。 前两个是xy ,这是uv迭代的两个坐标。 第三个是z ,在高度图( height )中查找。 第四个和第五个很可能是uv纹理坐标。

indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col);
indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col - 1); // <- repeats third
indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col); // <- repeats second
indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col);


| / 3
|/ /|
1 / |

这就是为什么 3(第四个)重复 2(第三个),4 重复 1。 heightmap_cols是当前 position 的高度图中的列数、行数和列数。 基本上,它构建了一个索引列表来查找 position,因为高度图被绘制为一组三角形。 每对 forms 一个正方形。

May I know what is the Points vector is inserting?

它有效地插入了 3D 顶点和 2D 纹理坐标。 IE

struct Vertex {
  // the 3D position of the vertex
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  // the 2D texture coordinate
  float u;
  float u;

它为输入图像中的每个像素生成这些结构之一。 我实际上认为代码是错误的,因为它似乎假设图像只能是 256x256 像素? 我可能会用以下内容替换硬编码的 255 和 128 值:

            // read pixel from image
            height[u][v] = heightmap.at<uchar>(u, v);

            // x & y coordinates 
            Points.push_back(BROAD_CONTROLLER * (u - heightmap_rows/2));
            Points.push_back(BROAD_CONTROLLER * (v - heightmap_cols/2)));
            Points.push_back(HEIGHT_CONTROLLER * height[u][v]);
            Points.push_back((float)u / float(heightmap_rows - 1));
            Points.push_back((float)v / float(heightmap_cols - 1));


and what is the indices vector is inserting?

indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col);
indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col - 1);
indices.push_back((row - 1) * heightmap_cols + col);
indices.push_back(row * heightmap_cols + col);

首先,我们现在有一个 2D 顶点网格(但是它已被展平为单个数组 - Points )。 我可以在这里编写一个简单的 lambda 来将二维索引对(U & V)转换为一维索引,这可能会使正在发生的事情更加明显

auto index = [heightmap_cols](int row, int col) {
  return row * heightmap_cols + col;

//   (row-1, col)          (row,   col)
//               o---------o
//               |       / |
//               |  2   /  |
//               |     /   |
//               |    /    |
//               |   /  1  |
//               |  /      |
//               | /       |
//               o---------o
//   (row-1, col-1)        (row-1, col-1)

// indices for first triangle
indices.push_back(index(row - 1, col - 1));
indices.push_back(index(row - 1, col    ));
indices.push_back(index(row    , col - 1));

// indices for second triangle
indices.push_back(index(row    , col - 1));
indices.push_back(index(row - 1, col    ));
indices.push_back(index(row    , col    ));

This is the function to get silhouette, but I don't get it how does this function work.

它正在创建一个新的点数组,仅包含那些高度低于某个阈值的点(在本例中为 SEALEVEL 和幻数“2”)

if (abs(Points[5 * i + 2] - SEALEVEL) < 2)

它可能是一个名字不好的 function。 findAllPointsUnderwater可能是一个更好的名字......


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