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Powershell 遥控器:如何排除错误代码 14

[英]Powershell remote: How to troubleshoot error code 14

我有一个powershell脚本,它将远程运行长时间的测试。 测试将在那里运行几个小时。 请参阅下面的代码。

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $remoteIP -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock { 
        param ($runTestFolder,$runtestPath,$testsuiteOption)
        if ($(Test-Path -Path $runtestPath) -eq $false) {
            Write-Error "Run_Test.exe is not found from the path specified. "
            return "ERROR_RUN_TEST.EXE_DO_NOT_EXIST"
        cmd /c "cd $runTestFolder && $runtestPath /s $testsuiteOption"

        return "COMPLETED."
    } -ArgumentList $runTestFolder,$runTestPath,$TestSuiteOption

但大约两个小时后,它抛出了这个错误。 我该如何调试它? 我检查了“about_Remote_Troubleshooting”,但它根本没有提到错误代码。

Processing data for a remote command failed with the following error message: Error with error code 14 occurred while calling method WSManPluginReceiveResult. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.

根据New-SessionOption MS Docs:

默认Microsoft.PowerShell session 配置的IdleTimeoutMs值为 7200000 毫秒(2 小时)。 它的MaxIdleTimeoutMs值为 2147483647 毫秒(>24 天)。 WSMan shell 空闲超时 ( WSMan:\<ComputerName>\Shell\IdleTimeout ) 的默认值为 7200000 毫秒(2 小时)。


$pso = New-PSSessionOption -IdleTimeout 2147483647
$pss = New-PSSession $remoteIP -Credential $credential -SessionOption $pso

Invoke-Command -Session $pss -ScriptBlock {
    # script do something

Remove-PSSession $pss
$pso = New-PSSessionOption -IdleTimeout 2147483647

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $remoteIP -ScriptBlock {
    # script do something
} -Credential $credential -SessionOption $pso


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