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使用 BASH 从文本文件中使用输入重定向作为 C 程序中的数据使用

[英]Use input redirection from a text file using BASH to use as data in a C program

我需要收集写在文本文件中的数据并使用 bash shell 这将允许文本文件的每一行在我的 c 程序中用作单独的数据点。 对于更多上下文,我的程序正在为我的 input.txt 文件中的行数获取一组坐标(x,y)。 之后,它会根据它所在的点找到最近和最远的点。

例如 input.txt 有以下几行:

    input1 3.2 9.3
    input2 5.7 13.6
    input3 18.4 12.2

我还没有找到如何在 bash 上执行此操作。我编写了以下程序来执行非常相似但不是动态使用 bash 重定向的操作。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

struct coordinates{
    //The label of the coordinates
    char coordinateName[32];
    //The x and y coordinates
    float xCoord;
    float yCoord;

} coordinate;

//Function to calculate distance from another point
float distance(char p1[32], char p2[32], float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2){
    float c;

    c = sqrt( pow((x1-x2),2) + pow((y1-y2),2) );

    printf("\nDistance between %s and %s is: \t\t\t\t%.2f", p1, p2, c);
    return c;

int main () {
    // Get the number of inputs being taken in from the user via command line
    char ENTRIESstring[1]; 
    int ENTRIES;

    scanf("%s", ENTRIESstring);
    ENTRIES = atoi(ENTRIESstring);
    // Declare a struct object
    struct coordinates myCoordinates[ENTRIES];

    for(int i = 0; i<ENTRIES; i++){
        // Enter the coordinate name
        //printf("Enter a Coordinate name: ");
        scanf("%s", &*myCoordinates[i].coordinateName);
        // Ask for x coordinate
        //printf("Enter a Coordinate value for x: ");
        scanf("%f", &myCoordinates[i].xCoord);
        // Ask for y coordinate
        //printf("Enter a Coordinate value for y: ");
        scanf("%f", &myCoordinates[i].yCoord);

    //define closest and furthest points
    float closestPoints = INFINITY, furthestPoints = 0.0;
    int closestPoint1, closestPoint2;
    int furthestPoint1, furthestPoint2;
    //define calculation variable to check against closest and furthest point
    float calculation;

    for(int i = 0; i <= ENTRIES-1; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j <= ENTRIES-1; j++) {

            char *p1,*p2;
            float x1,x2,y1,y2;

            p1 = myCoordinates[i].coordinateName;
            x1 = myCoordinates[i].xCoord;
            y1 = myCoordinates[i].yCoord;
            p2 = myCoordinates[j].coordinateName;
            x2 = myCoordinates[j].xCoord;
            y2 = myCoordinates[j].yCoord;
            //if coord1 is equal to coord2 skip
                printf("\n%s - (x:%.2f,y:%.2f) and %s - (x:%.2f,y:%.2f)", p1,x1,y1,p2,x2,y2);

                calculation = distance(p1, p2, x1, x2, y1, y2);

                if (calculation < closestPoints){
                    closestPoint1 = i;
                    closestPoint2 = j;
                    closestPoints = calculation;
                else if (calculation > furthestPoints){
                    furthestPoint1 = i;
                    furthestPoint2 = j;
                    furthestPoints = calculation;

    printf("\nClosest points:  point %s and point %s - distance:  \t%.2f", myCoordinates[closestPoint1].coordinateName, myCoordinates[closestPoint2].coordinateName, closestPoints);
    printf("\nFurthest points: point %s and point %s - distance: \t%.2f\n", myCoordinates[furthestPoint1].coordinateName, myCoordinates[furthestPoint2].coordinateName, furthestPoints);

任何对此的见解或来源都将不胜感激。 谢谢

假设 C 代码被编译为可执行文件a.out ,请您尝试 bash 代码:

./a.out $(wc -l < input.txt) < input.txt > output,txt
  • $(wc -l < input.txt)计算输入文件的行数并作为第一个参数传递给a.out
  • input.txt被重定向到a.out的标准输入, output 被重定向到output.txt ,这是作为一个新文件创建的。

C 代码无需修改即可使用,但可以进行改进,例如删除提示。


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