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是否可以将 stdout 重定向到 shell 脚本中的非 stderr stream?

[英]Is it possible to redirect stdout to a non-stderr stream inside a shell script?


考虑以下 shell 脚本,我将把它放在一个名为 Play.sh 的文件中。


echo "Send me to standard out"
echo "Send me to standard err" >&2

当我运行它时,我可以重定向 stdout 和 stderr。

$ ./Play.sh  > /dev/null
Send me to standard err
$ ./Play.sh  2> /dev/null
Send me to standard out


我想打开第三个 stream 并强制echo显到 output 到第三个 stream,这样我就可以对其进行过滤。 类似于以下内容:


echo "Send me to standard out"
echo "Send me to standard err" >&2
echo "Send me to stream 3" >&3

不幸的是,第三个 stream 默认不附加到/dev/tty

观察 Output

# This works as desired
./Play.sh  3> /dev/null
Send me to standard out
Send me to standard err

# This does not work as desired.
$ ./Play.sh
Send me to standard out
Send me to standard err
./Play.sh: line 5: 3: Bad file descriptor

所需 Output

# This works as desired
./Play.sh  3> /dev/null
Send me to standard out
Send me to standard err

# I would like stream 3 to go to /dev/tty ONLY when not redirected.
$ ./Play.sh
Send me to standard out
Send me to standard err
Send me to stream 3

当且仅当父进程不重定向它时,我可以在 shell 脚本中使用咒语使第三个 stream 指向 /dev/tty 吗?

实际上,我希望第三个 stream 的行为方式与stdoutstderr完全相同:默认为/dev/tty并允许父级重定向。

为了完整起见,根据 tripleee 的评论,我真正想要的是以下内容:


echo "Send me to standard out"
echo "Send me to standard err" >&2

if ! (printf '' 1>&3) 2>&-; then
  # File descriptor 3 is not open
  # Option 1: Redirect fd3 to stdout.
  exec 3>&1
  # Option 2: Redirect fd3 to /dev/null.
  # exec 3>/dev/null

# No error here.
echo "Send me to stream 3" >&3

通过此修改,父进程可以在需要时重定向 3,否则将其作为 stdout 的一部分。

$ ./Play.sh
Send me to standard out
Send me to standard err
Send me to stream 3

$ ./Play.sh 3> /dev/null
Send me to standard out
Send me to standard err


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