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如何连接具有多个工作表且列标题相同但在 Python/Pandas 中随机排序的文件?

[英]How do I concatenate files that have multiple sheets with same column headers but randomly ordered in Python/Pandas?

我有 3 个 xls 文件,每个文件有 3 张。 所有工作表都有相同的列标题,但如下所示的顺序不同

Name Address Date City State Zip

Address Date City Zip Name State

City Zip Name Address Date State

我希望我的最终 xls 文件连接所有 3 个文件和工作表

Name Address Date City State Zip RowNumber SheetName

rownumber 应该是来自每个文件的特定行号,并且在连接之前数据来自工作表。Sheetname 应该是它来自 xls 文件中的工作表。


import os
import pandas as pd
#set src directory
def read_sheets(filename):
    result = []
    sheets = pd.read_excel(filename, sheet_name=None)
    for name, sheet in sheets.items():
        sheet['Sheetname'] = name
        sheet['Row'] = sheet.index
    return pd.concat(result, ignore_index=True)
files = [file for file in os.listdir(folder_path) if file.endswith(".xls")] 
dfoo = read_sheets(files)

但什么也没发生,我只是收到一个断言错误,说 assert content_or_path is not None。 这是因为列顺序不匹配吗? 有解决方法吗? 所有文件和工作表中的列数都相同。 在每个文件表中都有相同的顺序。 但是,如果您将 1.xls 工作表与 2.xls 进行比较,则列顺序会有所不同,正如您在上面的 reprex 中看到的那样

我相信您的问题是要求获取 9 个不同的工作表(3 个不同的 .xls 文件中的每个 3 个)并将它们合并到新电子表格 Output.xls 中的一个工作表中。


  • 不同输入文件的不同列顺序应该不是问题。
  • 您可能需要考虑将 output 文件设为 .xlsx 文件而不是 .xls,因为使用 .xls 文件所需的 xlwt package 会引发警告:
As the xlwt package is no longer maintained, the xlwt engine will be removed in a future version of pandas. 
This is the only engine in pandas that supports writing in the xls format. 
Install openpyxl and write to an xlsx file instead. 
You can set the option io.excel.xls.writer to 'xlwt' to silence this warning. 
While this option is deprecated and will also raise a warning, it can be globally set and the warning suppressed.
  writer = pd.ExcelWriter('Output.xls')
  • 您问题中的示例代码将文件列表发送到 function read_sheets(),因此需要更改此 function 以期望此列表而不是单个文件。
  • 代码需要遍历输入文件,然后遍历每个文件中的工作表。

这是对您的代码的修改,它可以满足您的要求(对 os.chdir() 使用不同的参数以匹配我的测试环境):

import os
import pandas as pd
#set src directory
def read_sheets(files):
    result = []
    for filename in files:
        sheets = pd.read_excel(filename, sheet_name=None)
        for name, sheet in sheets.items():
            sheet['Sheetname'] = name
            sheet['Row'] = sheet.index
    return pd.concat(result, ignore_index=True)
folder_path = '.'
files = [file for file in os.listdir(folder_path) if file.endswith(".xls")] 
dfCombined = read_sheets(files)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('Output.xls')
dfCombined.to_excel(writer, index=None, sheet_name='Combined')

样本 output 如下所示:

Name    Address             Date    City        State           Zip     Sheetname   Row
Alice   1 Main St           11      Nome        Alaska          11111   Sheet1      0
Bob     1 Main St           12      Providence  Rhode Island    22222   Sheet1      1
Candace 1 Main St           13      Denver      Colorado        33333   Sheet1      2
Dirk    1 Main St           14      Wilmington  Delaware        44444   Sheet1      3
Edward  1 Marvin Gardens    11      Nome        Alaska          11111   Sheet2      0
Fran    1 Marvin Gardens    12      Providence  Rhode Island    22222   Sheet2      1
George  1 Marvin Gardens    13      Denver      Colorado        33333   Sheet2      2
Hannah  1 Marvin Gardens    14      Wilmington  Delaware        44444   Sheet2      3
Irvin   1 St Marks Place    11      Nome        Alaska          11111   Sheet3      0
Jasmine 1 St Marks Place    12      Providence  Rhode Island    22222   Sheet3      1
Kirk    1 St Marks Place    13      Denver      Colorado        33333   Sheet3      2
Lana    1 St Marks Place    14      Wilmington  Delaware        44444   Sheet3      3
Alice   2 Main St           11      Nome        Alaska          11111   Sheet1      0
Bob     2 Main St           12      Providence  Rhode Island    22222   Sheet1      1
Candace 2 Main St           13      Denver      Colorado        33333   Sheet1      2
Dirk    2 Main St           14      Wilmington  Delaware        44444   Sheet1      3
Edward  2 Marvin Gardens    11      Nome        Alaska          11111   Sheet2      0
Fran    2 Marvin Gardens    12      Providence  Rhode Island    22222   Sheet2      1
George  2 Marvin Gardens    13      Denver      Colorado        33333   Sheet2      2
Hannah  2 Marvin Gardens    14      Wilmington  Delaware        44444   Sheet2      3
Irvin   2 St Marks Place    11      Nome        Alaska          11111   Sheet3      0
Jasmine 2 St Marks Place    12      Providence  Rhode Island    22222   Sheet3      1
Kirk    2 St Marks Place    13      Denver      Colorado        33333   Sheet3      2
Lana    2 St Marks Place    14      Wilmington  Delaware        44444   Sheet3      3
Alice   3 Main St           11      Nome        Alaska          11111   Sheet1      0
Bob     3 Main St           12      Providence  Rhode Island    22222   Sheet1      1
Candace 3 Main St           13      Denver      Colorado        33333   Sheet1      2
Dirk    3 Main St           14      Wilmington  Delaware        44444   Sheet1      3
Edward  3 Marvin Gardens    11      Nome        Alaska          11111   Sheet2      0
Fran    3 Marvin Gardens    12      Providence  Rhode Island    22222   Sheet2      1
George  3 Marvin Gardens    13      Denver      Colorado        33333   Sheet2      2
Hannah  3 Marvin Gardens    14      Wilmington  Delaware        44444   Sheet2      3
Irvin   3 St Marks Place    11      Nome        Alaska          11111   Sheet3      0
Jasmine 3 St Marks Place    12      Providence  Rhode Island    22222   Sheet3      1
Kirk    3 St Marks Place    13      Denver      Colorado        33333   Sheet3      2
Lana    3 St Marks Place    14      Wilmington  Delaware        44444   Sheet3      3


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