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[英]Rotate axis labels

我有一个 plot 看起来像这样(这是著名的 Wine 数据集):


如您所见,x 轴标签重叠,因此我需要旋转。

注意! 我对旋转 x 刻度不感兴趣(如此处解释),但 label 文本,即alcoholmalic_acid等。

创建 plot 的逻辑如下:我使用axd = fig.subplot_mosaic(...)创建一个网格,然后对于底部图,我使用axd[...].set_xlabel("something")设置标签。 如果set_xlabel采用rotation参数,那就太好了,但不幸的是,情况并非如此。

进口及样品 DataFrame

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# sinusoidal sample data
sample_length = range(1, 16+1)
rads = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 0.01)
data = np.array([np.sin(t*rads) for t in sample_length])

# create a wide dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(data.T, index=pd.Series(rads.tolist(), name='radians'), columns=[f'freq: {i}x' for i in sample_length])

# transform df to a long form
dfl = df.melt(ignore_index=False).reset_index()

pandas.DataFrame.plot with subplots=True

axes = df.plot(subplots=True, layout=(4, 4), figsize=(10, 10), color='tab:purple', legend=False)

# flatten the axes array
axes = axes.flatten()

# iterate through each axes and associated column
for ax, col in zip(axes, df.columns):
    # set the axes title
    # extract the existing xaxis label
    xlabel = ax.get_xlabel()
    # set the xaxis label with rotation
    ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, rotation='vertical')



fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True, tight_layout=True)

axes = axes.flat

for ax, col in zip(axes, df.columns):

    df.plot(y=col, ax=ax, title=col, legend=False)
    xlabel = ax.get_xlabel()
    ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, rotation='vertical')



g = sns.relplot(data=dfl, kind='line', x='radians', y='value', col='variable', col_wrap=4, height=2.3)

axes = g.axes.ravel()

for ax in axes[-4:]:
    xlabel = ax.get_xlabel()
    ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, rotation='vertical')




         freq: 1x  freq: 2x  freq: 3x  freq: 4x  freq: 5x  freq: 6x  freq: 7x  freq: 8x  freq: 9x  freq: 10x  freq: 11x  freq: 12x  freq: 13x  freq: 14x  freq: 15x  freq: 16x
0.00     0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
0.01     0.010000  0.019999  0.029996  0.039989  0.049979  0.059964  0.069943  0.079915  0.089879   0.099833   0.109778   0.119712   0.129634   0.139543   0.149438   0.159318
0.02     0.019999  0.039989  0.059964  0.079915  0.099833  0.119712  0.139543  0.159318  0.179030   0.198669   0.218230   0.237703   0.257081   0.276356   0.295520   0.314567
0.03     0.029996  0.059964  0.089879  0.119712  0.149438  0.179030  0.208460  0.237703  0.266731   0.295520   0.324043   0.352274   0.380188   0.407760   0.434966   0.461779
0.04     0.039989  0.079915  0.119712  0.159318  0.198669  0.237703  0.276356  0.314567  0.352274   0.389418   0.425939   0.461779   0.496880   0.531186   0.564642   0.597195


   radians  variable     value
0     0.00  freq: 1x  0.000000
1     0.01  freq: 1x  0.010000
2     0.02  freq: 1x  0.019999
3     0.03  freq: 1x  0.029996
4     0.04  freq: 1x  0.039989

根据文档set_xlabel接受text arguments ,其中rotation是其中之一。


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

plt.gca().set_xlabel('Test', rotation='vertical')


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