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如何通过条件查找其他 Pandas DataFrames 中的值来填充 pandas 列

[英]How to populate a pandas column by conditional lookup of values in other Pandas DataFrames

我试图通过在其他 DataFrames 中查找值来填充 pandas 列,查找 DataFrame 和列由源数据框中列的内容决定。

这是一个使用 3 个 DataFrame 的示例:


类型 代码 列_x 描述
ID 123456 废话
废话 代码345
CI Name_of_thing1 废话2
抄送 65874 胡说八道
ID 987654 废话


ID CI col3 描述
123456 Name_of_thing1 废话 事物描述 1
987654 Name_of_other_1 废话 其他东西的描述


抄送 事业部 描述
65874 金融 说明哈哈哈哈
流行音乐45 销售量 另一个描述

如果可能的话,我想避免使用 for 循环和 if 语句的组合迭代源 DF 的行,但使用 for 循环和 if 语句这是我想要实现的(下面的示例代码旨在作为一种伪代码而不是 100% 正确的 python 代码):

for row in source_df:
   if source_df['Type'] == 'ID':
      source_df['col_new'] = Lookup1[source_df.loc['row']['Code'] == Lookup1['ID']]['description']

   else if source_df['Type'] == 'CI':
      source_df['col_new'] = Lookup1[source_df.loc['row']['Code'] == Lookup1['CI']]['description']  

   else if source_df['Type'] == 'CC':
      source_df['col_new'] = Lookup2[source_df.loc['row']['Code'] == Lookup2['CC']]['description']  

      source_df['col_new'] = source_df.loc['row']['Code2']



df = pd.concat([Lookup1.melt('description', var_name='Type', value_name='Code'), 
                Lookup2.melt('description', var_name='Type', value_name='Code')])
print (df)
                  description  Type             Code
0      Description of thing 1    ID           123456
1  Description of other thing    ID           987654
2      Description of thing 1    CI   Name_of_thing1
3  Description of other thing    CI  Name_of_other_1
4      Description of thing 1  col3             blah
5  Description of other thing  col3             blah
0       Description blah blah    CC            65874
1         Another Description    CC            pop45
2       Description blah blah    BU          finance
3         Another Description    BU            sales

df = source_df.merge(df, how='left', on=['Type','Code'])

df['description'] = df['description'].fillna(df['Description'])
print (df)
  Type            Code   Column_x Description                 description
0   ID          123456       blah      qwaszx      Description of thing 1
1  nan             nan       blah     Code345                         NaN
2   CI  Name_of_thing1      blah2      abc123      Description of thing 1
3   CC           65874  blah blah      aaaeft       Description blah blah
4   ID          987654       blah      ght567  Description of other thing


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