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如何更改 Numpy 中指定元素的字体颜色

[英]How to change the font color of the specified elements in Numpy

我想知道如何更改指定元素的字体颜色以在 numpy 数组中标记它们。 我引用了这个问题的答案: Coloring entries in an Matrix/2D-numpy array? 我编写了以下两个函数来做到这一点。 例如,在下面的例子中,我想改变a[0,1], a[1,2], a[2,0]的颜色。 trans(a, j, *lst)函数中, a是输入矩阵, j是颜色编号, *lst是要修改的元素的索引。

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[0,0,0],

def trans(a,j,*lst):
    num_row = a.shape[0]
    num_column = a.shape[1]
    add = ''
    row = []
    column = []
    # record the row index and column index of each input (in *lst)
    for k in range(len(lst)):
    # Generate the same content as 'a' and change the color
    for m in range(num_row):
        for n in range(num_column):
            for k in range(len(lst)):
                # the element whose color needs to be modified
                if m == row[k] and n == column[k]:
                    add += "\033[3{}m{}\033[0m ".format(j, a[row[k],column[k]])
                # the element whose color does not need to be modified
                if k == len(lst)-1:
                    add += "\033[3{}m{}\033[0m ".format(0, a[m,n])
    # There is a space at the end of "\033[3{}m{}\033[0m "
    add = add.strip(' ')
    add = add.split(' ')
    add = np.array(add)
    add = add.reshape(num_row,num_column)
    return add

def show(a, row_sep=" "):
    n, m = a.shape
    fmt_str = "\n".join([row_sep.join(["{}"]*m)]*n)
    return fmt_str.format(*a.ravel())




可以看到,元素是无法对齐的,所以我想知道如何自动对齐这些元素,就像numpy数组的显示一样。 或者有没有其他方法可以直接修改numpy数组的字体颜色? 我只是想让一些特殊的元素更加显眼。

这是一个非常通用的版本,它包含np.array2string() 它适用于任何 dtype 和/或自定义格式化程序,并且输出看起来应该与np.array2string()相同。 它没有尝试解析格式化的字符串,而是使用自己的自定义格式化程序在目标元素周围添加转义序列。 它还使用str子类,因此换行的长度计算忽略了转义序列。

import re
import numpy as np

class EscapeString(str):
    """A string that excludes SGR escape sequences from its length."""
    def __len__(self):
        return len(re.sub(r"\033\[[\d:;]*m", "", self))
    def __add__(self, other):
        return EscapeString(super().__add__(other))
    def __radd__(self, other):
        return EscapeString(str.__add__(other, self))

def color_array(arr, color, *lst, **kwargs):
    """Takes the same keyword arguments as np.array2string()."""
    # adjust some kwarg name differences from _make_options_dict()
    names = {"max_line_width": "linewidth", "suppress_small": "suppress"}
    options_kwargs = {names.get(k, k): v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
    # this comes from arrayprint.array2string()
    overrides = np.core.arrayprint._make_options_dict(**options_kwargs)
    options = np.get_printoptions()
    # from arrayprint._array2string()
    format_function = np.core.arrayprint._get_format_function(arr, **options)

    # convert input index lists to tuples
    target_indices = set(map(tuple, lst))

    def color_formatter(i):
        # convert flat index to coordinates
        idx = np.unravel_index(i, arr.shape)
        s = format_function(arr[idx])
        if idx in target_indices:
            return EscapeString(f"\033[{30+color}m{s}\033[0m")
        return s

    # array of indices into the flat array
    indices = np.arange(arr.size).reshape(arr.shape)
    kwargs["formatter"] = {"int": color_formatter}
    return np.array2string(indices, **kwargs)


np.set_printoptions(threshold=99, linewidth=50)
a = np.arange(100).reshape(5, 20)
print(np.array2string(a, threshold=a.size))
print(color_array(a, 1, [0, 1], [1, 3], [0, 12], [4, 17]))
print(color_array(a, 1, [0, 1], [1, 3], [0, 12], [4, 17], threshold=a.size))



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