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scikit-learn 中的机器学习模型集合

[英]Ensemble of machine learning models in scikit-learn

group        feature_1        feature_2       year            dependent_variable
group_a         12               19           2010               0.4
group_a         11               13           2011               0.9
group_a         10               5            2012               1.2
group_a         16               9            2013               3.2
group_b         8               29            2010               0.6
group_b         9               33            2011               0.1 
group_b         111             15            2012               2.1 
group_b         16              19            2013               12.2  

在上面的数据框中,我想使用feature_1feature_2来预测dependent_variable 为此,我想构建两个模型:在第一个模型中,我想为每个组构建一​​个单独的模型。 在第二个模型中,我想使用所有可用的数据。 在这两种情况下,2010 年至 2012 年的数据将用于训练,2013 年将用于测试。

如何使用上述两个模型构建集成模型? 数据是一个玩具数据集,但在真实数据集中,会有更多的组、年份和特征。 特别是,我对一种适用于 scikit-learn 兼容模型的方法感兴趣。


首先分别创建两个模型。 对于第一个模型,按组拆分数据并训练两个单独的模型,然后将两个模型连接到一个函数中。 对于第二个模型,可以保留完整的数据(除了删除测试数据)。 然后,创建另一种方法将其他两个模型连接到一个集成模型中。


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

data_str = """group,feature_1,feature_2,year,dependent_variable

data_list = [row.split(",") for row in data_str.split("\n")]
data = pd.DataFrame(data_list[1:], columns = data_list[0])

train = data.loc[data["year"] != "2013"]
test = data.loc[data["year"] == "2013"]

这将使用 RandomForestRegressor 集成模型,但可以使用任何回归模型。 另外,需要注意的是,这里使用的数据框与给定的数据框不同,因为该数据框的行从 0 开始索引,而不是按组索引,而组是数据框中的一列。


  1. 将数据拆分为 a 组和 b 组的数据
  2. 训练两个独立的模型
  3. 加入模型


# Splitting Data
train_a = train.loc[train["group"] == "group_a"]
train_b = train.loc[train["group"] == "group_b"]
test_a = test.loc[test["group"] == "group_a"]
test_b = test.loc[test["group"] == "group_b"]

# Training Two Models
model_a = RandomForestRegressor()
model_a.fit(train_a.drop(["dependent_variable", "year", "group"], axis = "columns"), train_a.dependent_variable)
model_b = RandomForestRegressor()
model_b.fit(train_b.drop(["dependent_variable", "year", "group"], axis = "columns"), train_b.dependent_variable)


def individual_predictor(group, feature_1, feature_2):
    if group == "group_a": return model_a.predict([[feature_1, feature_2]])[0]
    elif group == "group_b": return model_b.predict([[feature_1, feature_2]])[0]

这将分别接收一组和两个特征并返回预测。 这可以适应任何需要的输入和输出类型。


model = RandomForestRegressor()
model.fit(train.drop(["dependent_variable", "year", "group"], axis = "columns"), train.dependent_variable)


def ensemble_predict(group, feature_1, feature_2):
    return (individual_predictor(group, feature_1, feature_2) + model.predict([[feature_1, feature_2]])[0]) / 2

同样,这需要一个组和两个特征,然后返回结果。 这可能需要适应另一种格式,例如获取输入列表并输出预测列表。

这个使用 2 个回归器,RandomForestRegressor 和 GradientBoostingRegressor。

我为r2_score计算添加了2013年的数据,它必须大于1。还添加了其他年份的数据。 复制文本并保存到txt文件。

首先我们处理数据文件,通过数据帧操作分离训练和测试。 然后,我们为每个回归器创建一个模型,模型 1.1 和 1.2 分别用于组“a”和“b”。 然后为所有数据建模 2。 创建模型后,我们将其保存到磁盘以供以后处理。

创建模型后,我们使用所有测试数据和单个数据进行预测。 还会打印度量 r2_square 和 MAE。

最后一部分是通过加载模型文件并让它从测试中预测来测试它。 内存和磁盘中模型的预测应该是相同的。 还有一个示例输入类型以及如何在自定义预测功能中使用它。



group        feature_1        feature_2       year            dependent_variable
group_a         12               19           2010               0.4
group_a          7               15           2010               1.5
group_a         11               13           2011               0.9
group_a          8               8            2011               2.1
group_a         10               5            2012               1.2
group_a         11               9            2012               2.6
group_a         16               9            2013               3.2
group_a         8               10            2013               2.6
group_b         8               29            2010               0.6
group_b         11              18            2010               1.5
group_b         9               33            2011               0.1 
group_b         20              15            2011               2.8 
group_b         111             15            2012               2.1 
group_b         99              10            2012               3.6
group_b         16              19            2013               12.2
group_b         4                8            2013               5.1



"""sklearn ensemble modeling.

    * sklearn
    * pandas
    * numpy

    * https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/classes.html?highlight=ensemble#module-sklearn.ensemble
    * https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/user_guide/indexing.html

from typing import List, Union, Optional
import pickle  # for saving file to disk

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def make_model(regressor, regname: str, modelfn: str, dfX: pd.DataFrame, dfy: pd.DataFrame):
    """Creates a model.

        regressor: Can be RandomForestRegressor or GradientBoostingRegressor.
        regname: Regressor name.
        dfX: The features in pandas dataframe.
        dfy: The target in pandas dataframe.

    X = dfX.to_numpy()
    y = dfy.to_numpy()
    model = regressor(random_state=0)
    model.fit(X, y)

    # Save model.
    with open(f'{regname}_{modelfn}', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(model, f)

    return model

def get_prediction(model, test: Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
    """Returns prediction based on model and test input or None.
    if isinstance(test, List) or isinstance(test, np.ndarray):
        return model.predict([test])
    if isinstance(test, pd.DataFrame):
        return model.predict(np.array(test))
    return None

def model_and_prediction(df: pd.DataFrame, regressor, regname: str, modelfn: str):
    """Build model and show prediction and metrics.

    To build a model we need a training data X with features
    and data y with target or dependent values.

        df: A dataframe.
        regressor: Can be RandomForestRegressor or GradientBoostingRegressor.
        regname: The regressor name.
        modelfn: The filename where model will be saved to disk.

    features = ['feature_1', 'feature_2']

    # 1. Get the train dataframe
    train = df.loc[df.year != 2013]  # exclude 2013 in training data
    train_feature = train[features]  # select the features column
    train_target = train.dependent_variable  # select the dependent column

    model = make_model(regressor, regname, modelfn, train_feature, train_target)

    # 2. Get the test dataframe
    test = df.loc[df.year == 2013]  # only include 2013 in test data
    test_feature = test[features]
    test_target = test.dependent_variable

    # 3. Get the prediction from all rows in test feature. See step 5
    # for single data prediction.
    prediction: np.ndarray = model.predict(np.array(test_feature))

    print(f'test feature:\n{np.array(test_feature)}')
    print(f'test prediction: {prediction}')  # prediction[0] ...
    print(f'test target: {np.array(test_target)}')

    # 4. metrics
    print(f'r2_score: {r2_score(test_target, prediction)}')
    print(f'mean_absolute_error: {mean_absolute_error(test_target, prediction)}\n')

    # 5. Get prediction from the first row of test features.
    prediction_1: np.ndarray = model.predict(np.array(test_feature.iloc[[0]]))
    print(f'1st row test:\n{test_feature.iloc[[0]]}')
    print(f'1st row test prediction array: {prediction_1}')
    print(f'1st row test prediction value: {prediction_1[0]}\n')  # get the element value

def main():
    datafn = 'data.txt'
    df = pd.read_fwf(datafn)

    # A. Create models for each type of regressor.
    regressors = [(RandomForestRegressor, 'RandomForrest'),
                  (GradientBoostingRegressor, 'GradientBoosting')]

    for (r, name) in regressors:
        print(f'::: Regressor: {name} :::\n')

        # Model 1 using group_a
        print(':: MODEL 1.1 ::')
        grp = 'group_a'
        modelfn = f'{grp}.pkl'  # filename of model to be save to disk
        dfa = df.loc[df.group == grp]  # select group
        model_and_prediction(dfa, r, name, modelfn)

        # Model 1 using group_b
        print(':: MODEL 1.2 ::')
        grp = 'group_b'
        modelfn = f'{grp}.pkl'
        dfb = df.loc[df.group == grp]
        model_and_prediction(dfb, r, name, modelfn)

        # Model 2 using group a and b
        print(':: MODEL 2 ::')
        grp = 'group_ab'
        modelfn = f'{grp}.pkl'
        dfab = df.loc[(df.group == 'group_a') | (df.group == 'group_b')]
        model_and_prediction(dfab, r, name, modelfn)

    # B. Test saved model file prediction.
    print('::: Prediction from loaded model :::')
    mfn = 'GradientBoosting_group_ab.pkl'
    print(f'model: gradient boosting model 2, {mfn}')

    with open(mfn, 'rb') as f:
        loaded_model = pickle.load(f)

    # test: group_b  4  8  2013  5.1    
    test = [4, 8]
    prediction = loaded_model.predict([test])
    print(f'test: {test}')
    print(f'prediction: {prediction[0]}\n')

    # C. Use get_prediction().

    # input from list
    test = [4, 8]
    prediction = get_prediction(loaded_model, test)
    print(f'test from list input:\n{test}')
    print(f'prediction from get_prediction() with list input: {prediction}\n')

    # input from dataframe
    testdata = {
        'feature_1': [8, 12],
        'feature_2': [19, 15],
    testdf = pd.DataFrame(testdata)
    testrow = testdf.iloc[[0]]  # first row [8, 19]
    prediction = get_prediction(loaded_model, testrow)
    print(f'test from df input:\n{testrow}')
    print(f'prediction from get_prediction() with df input: {prediction}\n')

    testrow = testdf.iloc[[1]]  # second row [12, 15]
    prediction = get_prediction(loaded_model, testrow)
    print(f'test from df input:\n{testrow}')
    print(f'prediction from get_prediction() with df input: {prediction}\n')

    # input from numpy
    test = [8, 9]
    testnp = np.array(test)
    prediction = get_prediction(loaded_model, testnp)
    print(f'test from numpy input:\n{testnp}')
    print(f'prediction from get_prediction() with numpy input: {prediction}\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':


  group  feature_1  feature_2  year  dependent_variable
group_a         12         19  2010                 0.4
group_a          7         15  2010                 1.5
group_a         11         13  2011                 0.9
group_a          8          8  2011                 2.1
group_a         10          5  2012                 1.2
group_a         11          9  2012                 2.6
group_a         16          9  2013                 3.2
group_a          8         10  2013                 2.6
group_b          8         29  2010                 0.6
group_b         11         18  2010                 1.5
group_b          9         33  2011                 0.1
group_b         20         15  2011                 2.8
group_b        111         15  2012                 2.1
group_b         99         10  2012                 3.6
group_b         16         19  2013                12.2
group_b          4          8  2013                 5.1
::: Regressor: RandomForrest :::

:: MODEL 1.1 ::
test feature:
[[16  9]
 [ 8 10]]
test prediction: [1.811 2.186]
test target: [3.2 2.6]
r2_score: -10.67065000000004
mean_absolute_error: 0.9015000000000026

1st row test:
   feature_1  feature_2
6         16          9
1st row test prediction array: [1.811]
1st row test prediction value: 1.8109999999999986

:: MODEL 1.2 ::
test feature:
[[16 19]
 [ 4  8]]
test prediction: [2.116 2.408]
test target: [12.2  5.1]
r2_score: -3.3219170799444546
mean_absolute_error: 6.388

1st row test:
    feature_1  feature_2
14         16         19
1st row test prediction array: [2.116]
1st row test prediction value: 2.116000000000001

:: MODEL 2 ::
test feature:
[[16  9]
 [ 8 10]
 [16 19]
 [ 4  8]]
test prediction: [2.425 2.145 1.01  1.958]
test target: [ 3.2  2.6 12.2  5.1]
r2_score: -1.3250936994738867
mean_absolute_error: 3.8905000000000016

1st row test:
   feature_1  feature_2
6         16          9
1st row test prediction array: [2.425]
1st row test prediction value: 2.4249999999999985

::: Regressor: GradientBoosting :::

:: MODEL 1.1 ::
test feature:
[[16  9]
 [ 8 10]]
test prediction: [2.59996945 2.21271005]
test target: [3.2 2.6]
r2_score: -1.8335008778823685
mean_absolute_error: 0.4936602458577084

1st row test:
   feature_1  feature_2
6         16          9
1st row test prediction array: [2.59996945]
1st row test prediction value: 2.59996945439128

:: MODEL 1.2 ::
test feature:
[[16 19]
 [ 4  8]]
test prediction: [1.99807124 2.63511811]
test target: [12.2  5.1]
r2_score: -3.3703627491779713
mean_absolute_error: 6.333405322236132

1st row test:
    feature_1  feature_2
14         16         19
1st row test prediction array: [1.99807124]
1st row test prediction value: 1.9980712422931164

:: MODEL 2 ::
test feature:
[[16  9]
 [ 8 10]
 [16 19]
 [ 4  8]]
test prediction: [3.60257456 2.26208935 0.402739   2.10950224]
test target: [ 3.2  2.6 12.2  5.1]
r2_score: -1.538939968014979
mean_absolute_error: 3.882060991360607

1st row test:
   feature_1  feature_2
6         16          9
1st row test prediction array: [3.60257456]
1st row test prediction value: 3.6025745572622014

::: Prediction from loaded model :::
model: gradient boosting model 2, GradientBoosting_group_ab.pkl
test: [4, 8]
prediction: 2.1095022367629728

test from list input:
[4, 8]
prediction from get_prediction() with list input: [2.10950224]

test from df input:
   feature_1  feature_2
0          8         19
prediction from get_prediction() with df input: [0.50307204]

test from df input:
   feature_1  feature_2
1         12         15
prediction from get_prediction() with df input: [1.46058714]

test from numpy input:
[8 9]
prediction from get_prediction() with numpy input: [2.30007317]

首先,使用时间序列算法(仅使用日期变量和因变量)、fbprophet(使用特征+日期+因变量)、基于树的回归算法(如 CatBoost/XGBoost/LightGBM)创建模型(使用特征+日期+因变量)。

使用每个提到的算法为每个组创建模型(自下而上的方法)。 不同的模型将针对不同的群体表现良好。 根据模型的性能取加权平均值。 假设 group_a 预测在 Catboost、fbprophet 和指数移动平均的情况下表现最好,使用与从这些模型得出的准确度成比例的权重。

您可以聚合组级模型的结果以获得聚合结果。 您还可以在聚合数据上创建单独的模型(按年份汇总)。

如果我正确理解了您问题的最后一行,那么在这些年的背景下,您希望通过模型 1 捕捉给定日历年的趋势,通过模型 2 捕捉多年的趋势。 模型 2 可能是个问题,因为您提到了scikit-learn 兼容模型


模型 1 非常简单,它是一个回归问题,因此选择最佳回归模型应该不是问题。 您可以通过查看给定日历年的结果来发现这一点。

模型 2 是您想要捕获时间序列特征的地方,有点像YoY之类的东西。 虽然 SKLearn 中没有任何模型可以像 ARIMA 或 RNN 那样直接捕获时间参数,但有一些方法可以使用 SKLearn 模型进行预测。 其中很多依赖于特征工程。 您可以使用特征 1 和 2,对它们进行排序、移动,然后进行差异来创建新特征,例如 1a 和 2a,然后可以将其与任何回归模型一起使用。 这些新功能将捕捉时间本质。 我可以在这里写一篇很长的文章,但我认为你会发现这个链接写得更好。

现在将 2 个模型组合在一起。 由于这是一个回归问题,我认为最好的方法是为这两个模型的输出分配权重,假设模型 1 为alpha ,模型 2 为beta 。将alphabeta视为超参数。 使用数据调整它们。

这应该与 SKLearn 模型很好地融合在一起。


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