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C ++代碼示例:是什么使此循環如此多次?

[英]C++ code example: What makes this loop so many times?

我在這里找到一個代碼示例: N-QUEEN回溯問題已解決


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

/** this is the size of chess board */
#define N 8

/** Given a completed board, this prints it to the stdout */
void print_solution(int state[N][N])
    int i,j;
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < N; ++j)
            cout << state[i][j] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl;

/** return true if placing a queen on [row][col] is acceptable
else return false */
bool accept(int state[N][N], int row, int col)
    int i,j;

    /* check the column */
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        if (state[row][i])
            return false;

    /* check the row */
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        if (state[i][col])
            return false;

    /* check the upper left diagnol */
    for (i = row, j = col; i >= 0 && j >= 0; i--, j--)
        if (state[i][j])
            return false;

    /* check the lower left diagnol */
    for (i = row, j = col; i < N && j >= 0; ++i, --j)
        if (state[i][j])
            return false;

    /* check the upper right diagnol */
    for (i = row, j = col; i >= 0 && j < N; i--, ++j)
        if (state[i][j])
            return false;

    /* check the lower right diagnol */
    for (i = row, j = col; i < N && j < N; ++i, ++j)
        if (state[i][j])
            return false;

    /* return true if all tests passed */
    return true;

void solve_state(int state[N][N], int row)

    int i;

    /* if all queens have been placed at non conflicting positions */
    if (row == N)


    /* Place queens on all positions in a given row and
    check if the state is acceptable
    Continue the process till all possibilities found */
    for(i=0; i<N; ++i){

        if(accept(state, row, i)){
            state[row][i] = 1;
            solve_state(state, row+1);
        state[row][i] = 0;

int main()
    /* initialise the board */
    int state[N][N] = {0};

    solve_state (state, 0);

    return 0;

我在邏輯上相當失敗,嘗試學習遞歸等問題時遇到更大的麻煩。 真正令我煩惱的是,我只是無法理解為什么此代碼循環遍歷象棋問題中8個皇后區的所有92個解決方案。 起初我以為它只能找到一個解決方案,但是當我測試了代碼並運行了所有可能的解決方案時,我感到很驚訝。


所以我想我要問的是,為了理解這一點,給定這段代碼,如果我只想讓它循環一次並找到第一個解決方案,那么需要更改什么? 什么樣的魔術使這東西一直循環?

/* Place queens on all positions in a given row and
check if the state is acceptable
Continue the process till all possibilities found */
for(i=0; i<N; ++i){

    if(accept(state, row, i)){
        state[row][i] = 1;
        solve_state(state, row+1);
    state[row][i] = 0;

此循環完全符合您的描述。 您在一行的八列上循環,從而提供了八種可能性。 如果要在第一個可接受的狀態上停止,則必須更新內部條件並刪除遞歸調用。 相反,您可以調用print_solution函數以打印結果。


for(i=0; i<N; ++i){

    if(accept(state, row, i)){
        state[row][i] = 1;
        return; // this prevents printing the solution multiple times
                // in case the queen may be placed on other colum on the same row
    state[row][i] = 0;

旁注:對我來說,這段代碼是C代碼(在函數開始時聲明的變量,普通的舊C數組,在bool會起作用的地方使用int ),而唯一的C ++部分是對std::cout的使用。 std::coutstd::endlprint_solution函數中,可以很容易地用陳舊的printf替換。


/** solve_state(state, n) finds all possible solutions given a state where
 * the first n rows already have legally placed queens


 * if n == N we're done, there is a queen in every row.  print the solution.
 * otherwise for every legal spot in the current row, 
 * put a queen there, and then solve the remaining rows.



int solve_state(int state[N][N], int row)
    int i;

    /* if all queens have been placed at non conflicting positions */
    if (row == N)
        return 1; // done!

    /* Place queens on all positions in a given row and
       check if the state is acceptable
       Continue the process till all possibilities found */
    for(i=0; i<N; ++i){
        if(accept(state, row, i)){
            state[row][i] = 1;
            if (solve_state(state, row+1)) return 1;
        state[row][i] = 0;

    return 0; // not yet


//coded by SwinGYOu

#pragma warning(disable:4996)
using namespace std;

/* this is the size of chess board */
const int boardSize=8;

/* Given a completed board, this prints it to the console */
void print_solution(int board[boardSize][boardSize], int i=0, int j=0){
    if(i==boardSize){ cout<<endl; return; }
    if(j==boardSize){ cout<<endl; print_solution(board, ++i, 0); return; }
        putwchar(board[i][j] ? '\u2655' : ' ');
        putwchar(board[i][j] ? '\u265B' : ' ');
    print_solution(board, i, ++j);
/* Check up, up left and up right to veritify that there are no other Queens, return true if right */
bool accept(int board[boardSize][boardSize], int row, int col, int rowD=0, int colD=0){
            accept(board, row, col, -1, 0)&&
            accept(board, row, col, -1, -1)&&
            accept(board, row, col, -1, 1);
        return true;
    if(board[row][col]==1) return false;
    return accept(board, row+rowD, col+colD, rowD, colD);
/* check and return sultions for every sultion that possible*/
void solve_board(int board[boardSize][boardSize], int row=0, int col=0){
    //if the row befor was the last row of the table, its meants that is a sultion, print it.
    //if col is out of the board, dont run check on it, its not a vaild path.
    if(col==boardSize) return;
    //run for this, if true, go to next row until end of row's or until a not vaild row is given than carry on with checking the next col.
    if(accept(board, row, col)){
        solve_board(board, row+1);
    //carry on to next spot on the col in the given row.
    solve_board(board, row, col+1);

int main(){
    /* Make board */
    int board[boardSize][boardSize]={0};


    return 0;


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