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[英]C program for bowling game

我需要為一場保齡球比賽寫一個程序。 要求用戶輸入游戲數量和投球手數量。 對於每個投球手,獲得每場比賽的得分。 顯示分數。 計算每個投球手的平均值並顯示平均值。 最后顯示團隊平均值。 我寫了一個代碼,它沒有錯誤,但問題是它不計算玩家的平均分數和團隊的總分。 需要這些計算的幫助。

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int playerTotal = 0;
    int teamTotal = 0;
    int score;
    int numgames, player, bowler, game;

    printf ("How many games?\n");
    scanf ("%d", &numgames);
    printf ("How many players?\n");
    scanf ("%d", &player);

    for (bowler = 1; bowler <= 3; bowler++)
        for (game = 1; game <= 2; game++)
        printf ("\nEnter the score for game %d for bowler %d: ", game, bowler);
        scanf ("%d", &score);

        playerTotal += score;
        printf ("\nThe average for bowler %d is: ", bowler, playerTotal/2);

        printf ("\nThe total for the game is:", teamTotal);

        teamTotal += playerTotal;

   return 0;

它與“不計數”無關 - 你只是不打印它們。 這個:

printf ("\nThe average for bowler %d is: ", bowler, playerTotal/2);
printf ("\nThe total for the game is:", teamTotal);


printf ("\nThe average for bowler %d is: %.1f", bowler, playerTotal / 2.0);
printf ("\nThe running team total is: %d", teamTotal);

注意從22.0的變化,因為playerTotal是一個int ,但如果total是奇數,則平均值將(或應該)在結尾處有.5

你還想要設置playerTotal = 0; 在你的外圍for循環的開始,否則每個玩家將獲得之前輸入他們的分數的所有投球手的分數,這可能不是得分系統的公平。 你應該改變:

for (bowler = 1; bowler <= 3; bowler++)
        for (game = 1; game <= 2; game++)


for (bowler = 1; bowler <= player; ++bowler) {
    playerTotal = 0;

    for (game = 1; game <= numgames; ++game) {

這也將循環您用戶輸入的次數相同。 如果你這樣做,你還需要改變:

printf ("\nThe average for bowler %d is: %.1f", bowler, playerTotal / 2.0);


printf ("\nThe average for bowler %d is: %.1f", bowler,
            playerTotal / (double) numgames);




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