簡體   English   中英

顯示無法創建類型“”的常量值。 在這種情況下,僅支持基本類型(例如Int32,String和Guid)

[英]Showing Unable to create a constant value of type ''. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context


這里的“ EmpJobPosition”類來自Model。

List<int> empjList=ObjToList(employeeJobPositionIds);

List<EmpJobPosition> empJobPositionList =
     (from i in ctx.EmpJobPositions
      where empjList.Contains(i.EmpJobPositionId)
      select i).ToList<EmpJobPosition>();

var query = (from emp in ctx.Employees
     join resg in ctx.Resignations on emp.EmployeeID equals resg.EmployeeID into resglist
     from resg in resglist.DefaultIfEmpty()
     join jpos in empJobPositionList
         on emp.EmployeeID equals jpos.EmployeeId into jposList
     from jpos in jposList.DefaultIfEmpty()
         (resg == null || resg.HasLeft == false) && emp.CompanyID == 1
     select new EmployeesViewModel()).ToList();





var query = (
     from emp in ctx.Employees
     join resg in ctx.Resignations 
              on emp.EmployeeID equals resg.EmployeeID into resglist
     from leftresg in resglist.DefaultIfEmpty()

     //put the where clause on EmpJobPositions here
     join jpos in ctx.EmpJobPositions.Where(x => empjList.Contains(x.EmpJobPositionId))
              on emp.EmployeeID equals jpos.EmployeeId into jposList
     from leftjpos in jposList.DefaultIfEmpty()
         //don't understand this line, are you missing a where ?
         //(leftresg == null || leftresg.HasLeft == false) && emp.CompanyID == 1
     select new EmployeesViewModel()).ToList();


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