簡體   English   中英

此上下文僅支持原始類型(“例如 Int32、String 和 Guid”)

[英]Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context


無法創建類型為“Phoenix.Intranet.Web.ClientSettings.ComponentRole”的常量值。 此上下文僅支持原始類型(“例如 Int32、String 和 Guid”)。

我明白為什么會發生錯誤。 我不明白為什么我的代碼會產生錯誤。 我的比較是針對原始類型的。 所有比較都是Guid to Guid。 該錯誤特別指出Guids沒問題。


 var vla =  (from cir in phoenixEntities.ComponentInRoles


List<ComponentRole> roles;
using (IMSMembershipEntities entities = new IMSMembershipEntities())
    roles = (from role1 in entities.Roles
             select new ComponentRole{Name = role1.RoleName, RoleId = role1.RoleId} ).ToList();

List<Components> componentInRoles;

using (PhoenixEntities phoenixEntities = new PhoenixEntities())
    phoenixEntities.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
    componentInRoles = (from component in phoenixEntities.Components
                        select new Components{Name = component.Name,
                                              ComponentId = component.ComponentId,
                                              //InRoles = (from componentInRole in phoenixEntities.ComponentInRoles
                                              //           join role in roles on componentInRole.RoleId equals role.RoleId 
                                              //           where componentInRole.ComponentId == component.ComponentId
                                              //           select new ComponentRole{RoleId = role.RoleId, Name = role.Name})

    foreach (Components cmpent in componentInRoles)
        Components cmpent1 = cmpent;
        //cmpent.InRoles = 

         var vla =  (from cir in phoenixEntities.ComponentInRoles
                     join role in roles on cir.RoleId equals role.RoleId
                     where cir.ComponentId == cmpent1.ComponentId
                         select role).ToList();

EntityFramework and Linq to SQL both try to translate such queries which a part is in memory and the other part is in Database, to sql IN operator.

並且因為您的角色是 IEnumerable 的 class 不是原始類型,所以它不能轉換為 SQL 查詢。

您應該首先從數據庫中獲取 memory,然后加入 memory 中的兩個列表。


 var vla =  (from cir in phoenixEntities.ComponentInRoles.ToList()
                     join role in roles on cir.RoleId equals role.RoleId
                     where cir.ComponentId == cmpent1.ComponentId
                         select role).ToList();



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