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[英]How can I call this method for retrieved data in C#?

我正在開發一個程序,該程序使您可以從下拉框中選擇客戶ID。 選擇客戶ID后,將從CSV文件中提取客戶的信息並顯示在文本框中。

電話號碼信息未格式化,但我希望將其顯示為格式化(例如(800)674-3452)。 我已經為此編寫了一個方法,但是我不確定如何調用它。 你能幫忙嗎?

-抱歉,這是一個愚蠢的問題。 我還在學習。

    private void idBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        try // catch errors
            string selectedCustomer; // variable to hold chosen customer ID
            selectedCustomer = idBox.Text; // retrieve the customer number selected

            chosenIndex = 0;
            bool found = false; // variable if customer ID was found
            while (!found && chosenIndex < allData.Length) // loop through the 2D array
                if (allData[chosenIndex, 0] == selectedCustomer) // make sure it's the right customer
                    found = true; // Yes (true) found the correct customer

                chosenIndex++; // add one row 
            chosenIndex -= 1; // subtract one because add 1 before exiting while

            /* 0 = customer ID
             * 1 = name
             * 2 = address
             * 3 = city
             * 4 = state
             * 5 = zip
             * 6 = phone
             * 7 = email
             * 8 = charge account - yes/no
             * 9 = good standing - yes/no
            nameBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 1]; // put name in nameBox
            addressBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 2]; // put address in addressBox
            cityBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 3]; // put city in cityBox
            stateBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 4]; //puts state in stateBox
            zipBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 5]; // puts zip in zipBox
            phoneBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 6]; // puts phone number in phoneBox
            emailBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 7]; // puts email in emailBox
            if (allData[chosenIndex, 8] == "Yes") // check if charge account
                yesChargeRadio.Checked = true; // true if Yes
            else // otherwise
                noChargeRadio.Checked = true; // true if No
            if (allData[chosenIndex, 9] == "Yes") // check for good standing
                yesStandingRadio.Checked = true; // true if Yes
            else // otherwise
                noStandingRadio.Checked = true; // true if No
        catch (Exception errorInfo) // catch error
            MessageBox.Show("errors: " + errorInfo, "Error",
                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // error message



    private bool numberCheck(string str)
        const int NUMBER_LENGTH = 10;
        bool valid = true;

        if (str.Length == NUMBER_LENGTH)
            foreach (char ch in str)
                if (!char.IsDigit(ch))
                    valid = false;
            valid = false;
        return valid;
    private void formatPhone(ref string str)
        str = str.Insert(0, "(");
        str = str.Insert(4, ")");
        str = str.Insert(8, "-");

您的代碼幾乎完成了。 您需要做的是,在設置phoneBox.Text之前,可以調用以下方法:

if(numberCheck(allData[chosenIndex, 6]))

    formatPhone(ref allData[chosenIndex, 6]);

phoneBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 6]; 




public void ShowSomething()





bool b = numberCheck(someString);
if (numberCheck(someString))
    //Do something, like displaying the phone number

此MSDN文檔可能會幫助您: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms173114.aspx


phoneBox.Text = numberCheck(allData[chosenIndex, 6]) ? 
                formatPhone(allData[chosenIndex, 6]) : 
                allData[chosenIndex, 6];
private string formatPhone(string str)
    str = str.Insert(0, "(");
    str = str.Insert(4, ")");
    str = str.Insert(8, "-");
    return str;


如果您不熟悉三元運算符( ? ),以供參考


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