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[英]Can you override one of the abstract methods in a base class with another base class?

我有一個具有一些抽象方法的基類,並且有21個類從該基類繼承。 現在,對於那些抽象方法之一,我想使用21個類中的6個的通用實現來實現它,因此我考慮創建另一個可以做到這一點的基類。



public abstract class FooBase
   public abstract string Bar();
   public abstract string SomeMethod();
   public virtual string OtherMethod()
       return this.SomeMethod();

public abstract class AnotherBase : FooBase
   public abstract string Bar();
   public abstract string SomeMethod();
   public override OtherMethod()
      //this is the common method used by 6 of the classes
      return "special string for the 6 classes";

public class Foo1 : FooBase
   public override string Bar()
      //do something specific for the Foo1 class here
      return "Foo1 special string";
   public override string SomeMethod()
      //do something specific for the Foo1 class here
      return "Foo1 special string";

public class Another2 : AnotherBase
   public override string Bar()
      //do something specific for the Another2 class here
      return "Another special string";
   public override string SomeMethod()
      //do something specific for the Another2 class here
      return "Another2 special string";


public abstract class FooBase
    //Base class content

public abstract class AnotherBase : FooBase
    //it is "optional" to make the definition of the abstract methods of the Parent class in here

當我們說在子類內部定義父類的抽象方法是可選的時 ,子類應該是abstract是強制性的

public abstract class FooBase
    public abstract string Bar();
    public abstract string SomeMethod();
    public abstract string OtherMethod();

public abstract class AnotherBase : FooBase
    public override string OtherMethod()
        //common method that you wanted to use for 6 of your classes
        return "special string for the 6 classes";

//child class that inherits FooBase where none of the method is defined
public class Foo1 : FooBase
    public override string Bar()
    public override string SomeMethod()
    public override string OtherMethod()

//child class that inherits AnotheBase that defines OtherMethod
public class Another2 : AnotherBase
    public override string Bar()
    public override string SomeMethod()

因此,我猜測還會有5個類,例如Another2 ,它從AnotherBase繼承, OtherMethod定義一個通用的定義

是的,這是完全可能的,而且經常這樣做。 沒有規則說在類層次結構的最底層只能有一個基類。 該類的子類也可以是抽象的,從而成為間接從您的常規基類派生的一組類的基類(在某種程度上更專門)。


正如Head First Design Patterns一書中給出的示例所示,這是Strategy模式旨在解決的確切問題。

您有一個抽象的Duck類,其他的鴨子(例如RedheadDuckMallardDuck )都派生RedheadDuck MallardDuck Duck類具有Quack方法,該方法僅在屏幕上顯示字符串“ quack”。

現在,告訴您添加RubberDuck 這個家伙不嘎嘎! 所以你會怎么做? 使Quack抽象化,讓子類決定如何實現這一點? 不,這將導致代碼重復。

相反,您可以使用Quack方法定義IQuackBehaviour接口。 從那里,您可以導出兩個類QuackBehaviourSqueakBehaviour

public class SqueakBehaviour: IQuackBehaviour
    public void Quack(){

public class QuackBehaviour: IQuackBehaviour
    public void Quack(){


public class MallardDuck : Duck
    private IQuackBehaviour quackBehaviour = new QuackBehaviour();

    public override void Quack()

public class RubberDuck : Duck
    private IQuackBehaviour quackBehaviour = new SqueakBehaviour();

    public override void Quack()



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