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如何在 Powershell 中使用擴展方法?

[英]How to use Extension methods in Powershell?


using System
public static class IntEx
    /// <summary>
    /// Yields a power of the given number
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="number">The base number</param>
    /// <param name="powerOf">the power to be applied on te base number</param>
    /// <returns>Powers applied to  the base number</returns>
    public static IEnumerable<int> ListPowersOf(this int number, int powerOf)
        for (var i = number; ; i <<= powerOf)
            yield return i;

我已經在 Powershell(Windows 8)中加載了 dll。 我嘗試通過以下方式使用它:

$test = 1.ListPowersOf(2)

應該返回@(1, 2, 4, 8, 16...)




依然沒有。 我在 IntEx 類中沒有命名空間。





[IntEx] | gm -Static -Type Method



[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile('C:path\to.dll')|select -ExpandProperty ExportedTypes

如果您真的希望它更接近點語法,您可以在IntEx類型上使用隱式或顯式轉換運算符,並將其用作 POCO 而不是靜態擴展。


public class MyExtClass {

    public string TheStringValue {get; set;}

    public MyExtClass(string theString){
        TheStringValue = theString;

    public int NumberOf(string target)
        return TheStringValue.Length - TheStringValue.Replace(target, "").Length;

    public static implicit operator MyExtClass(string value){
        return new MyExtClass(value);
add-type -TypeDefinition $code

$str_eee = "TheTheThe"
$numberOfEs = ([MyExtClass]$str_eee).NumberOf("e")

if(3 -eq $numberOfEs){Write-Host PASS; exit 0}

Write-Host "FAIL";
exit 1

我意識到這在這一點上不太可能適用於 OP,但這個問題是我搜索的第一個結果,所以我會在這里發布我的想法。

我很驚訝這個還沒有被提及,但是 PowerShell 中的 CodeMethods 本質上是針對給定類型編譯的擴展方法。 它們也很容易編寫 - 特別是當您已經擁有擴展方法時。

public static class MyStringExtensions
    public static string Append(this string source, params char[] characters)
        foreach (var c in characters)
            source += c;
        return source;
    // named PSAppend instead of Append. This is just a naming convention I like to use,
    // but it seems some difference in name is necessary if you're adding the type data 
    // via a types.ps1xml file instead of through the Update-TypeData command
    public static string PSAppend(PSObject source, params char[] characters)
        if (source.BaseObject is string sourceString)
            return sourceString.Append(characters);
        else throw new PSInvalidOperationException();
    private static string Example() {
        var myString = "Some Value.";
        Console.WriteLine(myString.Append(" and then some more.".ToCharArray()));
        // console output: 
        // Some Value. and then some more.

將類型定義加載到 PowerShell 后:

$method = [MyStringExtensions].GetMethod('PSAppend')
Update-TypeData -TypeName System.String -MemberName Append -MemberType CodeMethod -Value $method
# now you can use the method the same way you'd use an extension method in C#
PS:\> $myString = "Some Value."
PS:\> $myString.Append(" and then some more.")
Some value. and then some more.

代碼方法的文檔不太理想。 如果要將其構建到模塊中並在清單 (.psd1) 引用的 Types.ps1xml 文件中定義 CodeMethod,則RequiredAssemblies在清單的RequiredAssemblies中包含定義代碼方法的程序集。 (包括它作為RootModule是不夠的,因為必須在加載類型文件之前加載類型的程序集。)

以下是在 Types.ps1xml 文件中包含此類型定義的方法:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


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