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[英]Errors when dividing with floating point value in C

我想借此從答案x_rand / 0,2y_rand / 0,2 ,並存儲答案向下舍入變量整數division_xdivision_y

double x_rand = drand48();
double y_rand = drand48();
int division_x = x_rand / 0,2;
int division_y = y_rand / 0,2;


breakout.c:95:37: error: expected identifier or '('
        int division_x = x_rand / 0,2;
breakout.c:95:37: error: expected ';' at end of declaration
        int division_x = x_rand / 0,2;
breakout.c:96:37: error: expected identifier or '('
        int division_y = y_rand / 0,2;
breakout.c:96:37: error: expected ';' at end of declaration
        int division_y = y_rand / 0,2;

breakout.c:95:33: error: division by zero is undefined
        int division_x = x_rand / 0,2;
                            ^ ~
breakout.c:96:33: error: division by zero is undefined
        int division_y = y_rand / 0,2;


C不使用歐式浮點表示形式。 您需要使用0.2而不是0,2


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