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[英]How to combine the letters in two strings in haskell

我正在學習Haskell並遵循http://learnyouahaskell.com/starting-out上的指南。 我正處於顯示的位置:

ghci> let nouns = ["hobo","frog","pope"]  
ghci> let adjectives = ["lazy","grouchy","scheming"]  
ghci> [adjective ++ " " ++ noun | adjective <- adjectives, noun <- nouns]  
["lazy hobo","lazy frog","lazy pope","grouchy hobo","grouchy frog",  
"grouchy pope","scheming hobo","scheming frog","scheming pope"]   


 [x ++ ' ' ++ y | x <- "ab", y <- "cd"]


Prelude> [y ++ ' ' ++ y | x <- "abd", y <- "bcd"]

    Couldn't match expected type ‘[a]’ with actual type ‘Char’
    Relevant bindings include it :: [[a]] (bound at <interactive>:50:1)
    In the first argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘y’
    In the expression: y ++ ' ' ++ y

    Couldn't match expected type ‘[a]’ with actual type ‘Char’
    Relevant bindings include it :: [[a]] (bound at <interactive>:50:1)
    In the first argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘' '’
    In the second argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘' ' ++ y’
    In the expression: y ++ ' ' ++ y

    Couldn't match expected type ‘[a]’ with actual type ‘Char’
    Relevant bindings include it :: [[a]] (bound at <interactive>:50:1)
    In the second argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘y’
    In the second argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘' ' ++ y’

我做了很多嘗試,例如將表達式包裝在括號中以獲取列表,將空間更改為String而不是char ...我怎樣才能使它工作?


++僅適用於列表,但xy僅為Char 畢竟,它們是String (= [Char] )中的元素,而LYAH示例包含Char列表: [String] = [[Char]]

-- [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-- vv     vv
[y ++ ' ' ++ y | x <- "abd", y <- "bcd"]
--           ^   ^           ^
--           Char           Char

-- vs

--                                        [String]          [String]
--                                       vvvvvvvvvv          vvvvv
[adjective ++ " " ++ noun | adjective <- adjectives, noun <- nouns]  
-- ^^^^^^^           ^^^^
-- String           String


[x : ' ' : y : [] | x <- "abd", y <- "bcd"]
x ++ ' ' ++ y

這里的實際問題是,您嘗試連接三個字符,並且只為項目列表定義一個函數。 ++實際上會連接兩個列表,而不是兩個單獨的項目並給出一個列表。

  1. 因此,您可以通過將所有字符轉換為字符串來修復程序,就像這樣

     > [[x] ++ " " ++ [y] | x <- "ab", y <- "cd"] ["ac","ad","bc","bd"] 

    注意" " ,而不是' ' 因為" "表示只包含空格字符的字符串,但' '表示只是空格字符。

  2. 或者,將y轉換為String,使用帶有' ' cons運算符,並將其連接到x轉換為字符串,就像這樣

     > [[x] ++ (' ' : [y]) | x <- "ab", y <- "cd"] ["ac","ad","bc","bd"] 
  3. 或者, 如chi所建議的那樣 ,甚至更簡單和直觀地創建一個字符列表,就像這樣

     > [[x, ' ', y] | x <- "ab", y <- "cd"] ["ac","ad","bc","bd"] 

注意:[]包裝一個字符使其成為一個只包含一個字符的字符列表。 它基本上變成了一個String。


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