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[英]If-Else statements c#

我必須獲取2個矩形的長度和寬度。 確定矩形1是否大於或小於矩形2來確定它們是否具有相同的面積。當我測試此代碼時,無論我輸入什么值,響應都是面積不相同時它們是相同的是。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace twoRectangles
     class Program

    static void Main(string[] args)
    {//declare variables and methods
        double length = 0.00;
        double width = 0.00;
        double lengthTwo = 0.00;
        double widthTwo = 0.00;
        double area1 = length * width;
        double area2 = lengthTwo * widthTwo;
        getArea1(ref length, ref width);
        getArea2(ref lengthTwo, ref widthTwo);
        greaterArea(ref area1, ref area2);
    }//call method getArea1
    static void getArea1(ref double length, ref double width)
    {//input for length of first rectangle
        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the length of the first rectangle:");
        while (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out length))
            Console.WriteLine("Error, please enter a valid number");
        //input for width of frist rectangle
        Console.WriteLine("lease enter the width of the first retangle:");
        while (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out width))
            Console.WriteLine("Error, please enter a valid number");
    }//call method get Area2
    static void getArea2(ref double lengthTwo, ref double widthTwo)
    {//input for length of second rectangle
        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the length of the second rectangle:");
        while (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out lengthTwo))
            Console.WriteLine("Error, please enter a valid number");
        //input for width of second rectangle
        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the width of the second rectangle:");
        while (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out widthTwo))
            Console.WriteLine("Error, please enter a valid number");

    }//call method greaterArea
    static void greaterArea(ref double area1, ref double area2)
    {//if statements
        if (area1 == area2)
            Console.WriteLine("The areas of the rectangles are the same");
        else if(area1 > area2)
            Console.WriteLine("The area of Rectangle 1 is greater than Rectangle 2");
        else if(area1 < area2)
            Console.WriteLine("The area of Rectangle 1 is less than Rectangle 2");


C#程序從上到下逐行執行。 問題來了,因為您正在用戶輸入尺寸之前計算面積。 嘗試這個:

    getArea1(ref length, ref width);
    getArea2(ref lengthTwo, ref widthTwo);
    double area1 = length * width;
    double area2 = lengthTwo * widthTwo;
    greaterArea(ref area1, ref area2);

您正在計算兩個矩形的面積,然后再從用戶那里獲取長度和寬度。 矩形1和2都等於0。

您進行呼叫的順序將導致area1和area2每次均為0。 嘗試這個:

    double length = 0.00;
    double width = 0.00;
    double lengthTwo = 0.00;
    double widthTwo = 0.00;
    getArea1(ref length, ref width);
    getArea2(ref lengthTwo, ref widthTwo);
    double area1 = length * width;
    double area2 = lengthTwo * widthTwo;
    greaterArea(ref area1, ref area2);

您需要在getArea1()/ getArea2()調用之后放置area1和area2的初始化,以便length,width,lengthTwo和widthTwo具有值。



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