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[英]Can if-else statements appear outside the Main function in C#?

我對C#和面向對象的編程都很陌生。 我試圖弄清楚為什么該程序無法編譯。 這是給我麻煩的代碼片段:

static void AdvancePreLvlThree() // advances player to next level when level is less than three
    if(level == 1)
        xp = (xp - 100); // carries remaining xp over to next level
    else if(level == 2)
        xp = (xp - 150);

    level +=1; // advances
    return Update(); // checks again to see if they can advance further


// A namespace/program for managing experience points 
// and determining if the player can level up.
// Written by Jared Beach
// January 19, 2013

using System;
namespace LevelSystem
    public class LevelSystem 
        public void LevelStorage()
            int level = 1; // stores player level

        public void XPStorage()
            int xp = 0; // stores player xp

        public void XPRequirement() // xp required to advance to the next level
            int maxXP = (8 * level^3);

        static void AdvancePreLvlThree() // advances player to next level when level is less than three
            if(level == 1)
                xp = (xp - 100); // carries remaining xp over to next level
            else if(level == 2)
                xp = (xp - 150);

            level +=1; // advances
            return Update(); // checks again to see if they can advance further

        static void Advance() // advances player to next level
            xp = (level - maxXP); // carries remaining xp over to next level
            level +=1;
            return Update();

        static void Update() // checks to see if player can advance levels
            if(level == 1 && xp > 100) // special case to keep basic progression ratio close to one
            else if(level == 3 && xp > 150)
            else if(xp >= 3 && xp > maxXP) 
               return Advance();

    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)



Program.cs(30,8): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `static'
Program.cs(30,16): error CS1547: Keyword `void' cannot be used in this context
Program.cs(30,38): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `('
Program.cs(36,16): error CS1519: Unexpected symbol `else' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
Program.cs(36,28): error CS1519: Unexpected symbol `==' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
Program.cs(38,20): error CS1519: Unexpected symbol `=' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
Program.cs(38,26): error CS1519: Unexpected symbol `-' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
Program.cs(41,12): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `level'


正如其他人所說,在這種情況下,您需要顯示所有代碼,因為聽起來您的代碼中缺少/錯了其他東西,並在那時中斷了。 這是您正在嘗試執行的工作示例,盡管它看起來不像是具有大量static項的很好方法,並且您應該真正研究面向對象的編程

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        private static int level = 0;
        private static int xp = 0;

        static void Main(string[] args)

        static bool AdvancePreLvlThree() // advances player to next level when level is less than three
            if(level == 1)
                xp = (xp - 100); // carries remaining xp over to next level
            else if(level == 2)
                xp = (xp - 150);

            level +=1; // advances
            return Update(); // checks again to see if they can advance further

        static bool Update()
            // Yes they can...
            return true;

我已經使您的AdvancePreLvlThree方法返回布爾值,因為這是您要嘗試執行的操作,但是該方法被標記為無效? 無論如何,希望這可以幫助您入門?


  1. 您的方法被聲明為void,並且它返回更新,因此使該方法的返回類型與update相同。
  2. 如果您的方法與main不屬於同一類,則將方法公開,請在包含main的類中引用新類。
  3. 在使用XP和Level之前,請先聲明它們為變量,然后在方法級別范圍內聲明它們。
  4. 此方法應與update在同一類中。


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