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[英]Unity: Need help how to double click detection in c#?

我想創建鼠標單擊,檢測單擊,按住單擊,然后雙擊。 當我單擊時,角色會更快(moveSpeed = 15),當我按住單擊並雙擊沒有動作時,角色仍然保持恆定速度(moveSpeed = 3)。


private float t0, moveSpeed;
private bool longClick, shortClick;

void Start () 
{ t0 = 0f; longClick = false; shortClick = false; }

void update()
    // how to add the code for detect double click and where I write it?

    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) 
        t0 = 0; t0 += Time.deltaTime;
        longClick = false;  shortClick = false;
        moveSpeed = 0;
    if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
        t0 += Time.deltaTime;
        if (t0 < 0.2)
        { moveSpeed = 15;longClick = false; shortClick = true; } // this is single click!
        if (t0 > 0.2)
        { moveSpeed = 3; longClick = true; shortClick = false; } // this is hold click!
    if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))     
         if (longClick == true)
         {    moveSpeed = 3;   }
         else if (shortClick = true)
         {    moveSpeed = 3;   }

你試過谷歌嗎? - 請參閱第二個答案: http//answers.unity3d.com/questions/331545/double-click-mouse-detection-.html


private float lastClickTime;

public float catchTime = 0.25f;

void Update ()

        if(Time.time - lastClickTime < catchTime)
            //double click
            print("Double click");
            //normal click
        lastClickTime = Time.time;

我在這里回復: http//answers.unity3d.com/answers/1133702/view.html

基本上:使用里面的doubleClicked檢查器創建一個新類。 然后在if子句中使用它。

class DoubleClickListener  {
  bool firstClick = false;
  float runningTimerSecond;

  float delay = 0.25F;

  public DoubleClickListener() { }

  public DoubleClickListener(float delay) {
    this.delay = delay;

  public bool isDoubleClicked() {
    // If the time is too long we reset first click variable
    if (firstClick && (Time.time - runningTimerSecond) > delay) {
      firstClick = false;

    if (!firstClick) {
      firstClick = true;
      runningTimerSecond = Time.time;
    } else {
      firstClick = false;
      return true;

    return false;

DoubleClickBehaviorBase是一個基類,可以為您進行雙擊。 您繼承自DoubleClickBehaviorBase而不是MonoBehavior您需要在類中重寫OnDoubleClickOverride。 我還添加了一個MonoBehaviourExtension,可以更輕松地調用和實現StartCoroutine:

namespace DoubleClick
    public static class MonoBehaviourExtension
        public static void StartCoroutine(this MonoBehaviour mb, params Action[] funcs)
        private static System.Collections.IEnumerator CoroutineRunnerSimple(Action[] funcs)
            foreach (var func in funcs)
                if (func != null)

                yield return new WaitForSeconds(.01f);

    abstract public class DoubleClickBehaviorBase : MonoBehaviour
        float _DoubleClickTimer = 0.0f;
        float _DoubleClickDelay = 0.5f;
        bool _WasClicked = false;

        // Update is called once per frame
        protected virtual void Update()
            // this starts timing when a click occurs 
            if (this._WasClicked == true)
                this._DoubleClickTimer += Time.deltaTime;

            // this must be in update because it expires based on time and not clicks
            if (this._DoubleClickTimer > this._DoubleClickDelay)
                this._WasClicked = false;
                this._DoubleClickTimer = 0.0f;

        protected virtual void OnMouseDoubleClick()

        protected virtual void OnMouseDown()
            if (this._WasClicked == false && this._DoubleClickTimer < _DoubleClickDelay)
                this._WasClicked = true;
            else if (this._WasClicked == true && 
                     this._DoubleClickTimer < this._DoubleClickDelay)
                this.StartCoroutine(() => this.OnMouseDoubleClick());


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