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Tree Functor和Foldable但有節點。 對它有任何概括嗎?

[英]Tree Functor and Foldable but with Nodes. Is there any generalization over it?

data Tree t = Empty | Node t (Tree t) (Tree t)


fmap :: (t -> a) -> Tree t -> Tree a

但是如果不是(t - > a)我想要(樹t - > a)那么我可以訪問整個(節點t)而不僅僅是t

treeMap :: (Tree t -> a) -> Tree t -> Tree a
treeMap f Empty = Empty
treeMap f n@(Node _ l r) = Node (f n) (treeMap f l) (treeMap f r)


treeFold :: (Tree t -> a -> a) -> a -> Tree t -> a


map :: (f t -> a) -> f t -> f a
fold ::  (f t -> a -> a) -> a -> f t -> a

你剛剛發現了comonads! 好吧,差不多。

class Functor f => Comonad f where
  extract :: f a -> a
  duplicate :: f a -> f (f a)

instance Comonad Tree where
  extract (Node x _ _) = x   -- this one only works if your trees are guaranteed non-empty
  duplicate t@(Node n b1 b2) = Node t (duplicate b1) (duplicate b2)


treeMap f = fmap f . duplicate
freeFold f i = foldr f i . duplicate


type Tree' a = Maybe (Tree'' a)

data Tree'' t = Node' t (Tree' t) (Tree' t)
   deriving (Functor)

instance Comonad Tree'' where
  extract (Node' x _ _) = x
  duplicate t@(Node' _ b1 b2) = Node' t (fmap duplicate b1) (fmap duplicate b2)


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