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[英]Remove from binary tree C#

嗨,我在從C#中的二叉樹中刪除時遇到了一個小問題。 我不知道為什么,但是這段代碼無法正常工作(調用remove方法后我的樹沒有改變)。 這是我的代碼:

public class BinaryTree<T>
    public BinaryTree<T> Left, Right;
    public T Data;
    public BinaryTree()
        this.Left = null;
        this.Right = null;

public BinaryTree<T> FindNode(T value,ref BinaryTree<T> myTree)
    if (myTree == null) 
        return null;
        int result = Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(value, myTree.Data);
        if (result == 0)
            return myTree;
        else if (result > 0)
            return FindNode(value, ref myTree.Right);
        else if (result < 0)
            return FindNode(value, ref myTree.Left);
    return myTree;

public void RemoveValue(T value,ref BinaryTree<T> myTree)
    BinaryTree<T> helper = new BinaryTree<T>();
    BinaryTree<T> MyTree = myTree;
    if (MyTree == null) return;
    MyTree =FindNode(value,ref MyTree);
    if (MyTree.Left == null || MyTree.Right == null)
        helper = MyTree;
        helper = MyTree.Left;
        while (helper.Right!=null)
            helper = helper.Right;
        MyTree.Data = helper.Data;
    if (helper.Left == null)
        helper = helper.Right;
        helper = helper.Left;


這是對您的代碼的一些小整理,其中包含有關我認為RemoveValue應該如何工作的建議。 我由您決定完成實施。

public class BinaryTree<T>
    public T Data;
    public BinaryTree<T> Left, Right;
    public BinaryTree()
        this.Left = null;
        this.Right = null;

    public static BinaryTree<T> FindNode(T value, BinaryTree<T> myTree)
        if (myTree == null)
            return null;
            int result = Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(value, myTree.Data);
            if (result == 0)
                return myTree;
            else if (result > 0)
                return FindNode(value, myTree.Right);
            else if (result < 0)
                return FindNode(value, myTree.Left);
        return myTree;

    public static void RemoveValue(T value, ref BinaryTree<T> myTree)
        if (myTree == null)
        BinaryTree<T> treeNodeToRemove = FindNode(value, myTree);

        // First case: The node to remove has a single subtree
        if(treeNodeToRemove.Left == null ^ treeNodeToRemove.Right == null)
            // We need to change the Left||Right reference of our parent to us...
        // Second case: Both subtrees are null
        else if (treeNodeToRemove.Left == null && treeNodeToRemove.Right == null)
            // We need to change the reference of our parent to null
        // Third case: Both subtrees are full
            // ...



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