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如何將字典保存到每個鍵都有不同行的 csv

[英]How to save a dictionary to a csv where each key has a different row

import time
import csv

def file_reader():
    product_location = {}
    location = 0
    with open('stockfile.csv', mode='r+') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        #next(reader) Can be included if I have headers to skip it
        products = {rows[0]: (rows[1],rows[2],rows[3],rows[4],rows[5]) for rows in reader}
        global products
    with open('stockfile.csv', mode='r+') as f:
        for line in f:
            lines = line
            product_location[line.split(',')[0]] = location
            global product_location

    with open('stockfile.csv','r+') as f:
        for line in f:
            product_location[line.split(',')[0]] = location
            location += len(line)
total = 0
while True:
    GTIN = input("\nPlease input GTIN or press [ENTER] to quit:\n")
    if GTIN == "":
    if(GTIN not in products):
        print("Sorry your code was invalid, try again:")

    row = products[GTIN]
    description = row[0]
    value = row[1]
    stock = row[2]
    additional_stock = row[3]
    target_stock = row[4]

    print("Updating stock levels back to target level")
    stock = int(stock) + int(additional_stock)

    print('GTIN: ', GTIN)
    print('You have selected: ', description)
    print('The price of this product is: ', value)
    print('Stock: ', stock)

    quantity = input("Please input the quantity required: ")
    new_stock = int(stock) - int(quantity)

    if int(quantity) > int(stock):
        print("Sorry we don't have enough in stock please order again")
        print("Please try a different product or a smaller quantity: ")
        new_stock = int(stock) - int(quantity)
    if int(new_stock) < int(target_stock):
        answer = input("The stock is below target, if you would like to top up the product to the target stock level press [ENTER]")
        if answer == "":
            required = int(target_stock) - int(new_stock)
            added_stock = input("This is the target stock: %s, you must enter a minimum of %s" % (target_stock,required))
            stock= int(new_stock)+int(added_stock)
            while int(stock) < int(target_stock):
                print("Sorry input more please:")
            if int(stock) > int(target_stock):
                additional_stock = 0
                products[GTIN] = row[0],row[1],str(stock),str(additional_stock),row[4]
                writer = csv.writer(open('stockfile.csv','w',newline=''))
                for key, row in products.items():
                    writer.writerow([key, value])

        additional_stock = int(target_stock) - int(new_stock)
        #I need to do the same here and change the dictionary and then send it to the CSV

        product_total = (int(quantity) * int(value))
    total = total + product_total
print('Total of the order is £%s' % total)

我無法弄清楚如何使用這種格式將字典發送回 csv(這是它在開始時被調用時的格式,我想以相同的方式發回信息)。 這是 stockfile 的樣子:這是我希望字典被發送回以及打開時的格式 請發布有效的代碼,並提前致謝。


每個“writerow”都應該在每一行中寫入一個一維列表。 您在該行中定義為“行”的內容:

    for key, row in products.items():

這實際上是字典key 是的,該值的數據類型恰好是列表(或行),但該列表是字典指向的

您的代碼不是試圖一次編寫一個列表行。 它實際上是在嘗試為可視化電子表格中的每一行寫入一個嵌套列表。 這是因為您的 Dictionary Key 的值本身就是一個 List 對象,它將一個列表放入另一個 writerow 列表中。

    [ KeyName  ,  ValueObject  ]

由於我們的 ValueObject 是一個列表,我們在列表中有一個列表。

使用您的示例 stockfile,這是大多數 python 文件閱讀器解釋的電子表格中每一行的樣子:

    [ KeyName  ,  [ List, Of, Row, Values ] ]

這是具有 2 個維度的嵌套列表。 一行中只會寫入 2 個電子表格單元格。 解決這個問題的方法是確保“writer.writerow”一次只寫入一個一維列表。

實現此目的的一種簡單方法是將 2 個單獨的列表連接為該行的 1 個單個列表。


    for key, row in products.items():
        writer.writerow (  [ key ]  +  row  )

由於在這種情況下您的“行”值變量已經是一個列表,我們可以簡單地將字典鍵讀取為它自己的列表對象,以便在一個列表(和 1 行)中輕松連接。

那么 writerow 一次只寫入 1 個列表,並且該列表中的每個項目都放置在 csv 文件中按時間順序排列的單元格中。


mydict = {'23456789': ('TV', '2000', '22', '0', '20'), '12345678': ('Fridge', '1000', '24', '0', '20'), '34567890': ('DVD', '10', '23', '0', '20')}

with open("out.csv", "w") as f:
    for key in mydict:
        f.write(key + "," + ",".join(mydict[key]))


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