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[英]Find unique pairs in list of pairs


a = [
    [1, 2],
    [3, 6],
    [2, 1],
    [3, 5],
    [3, 6]

大多數對會出現兩次,其中整數的順序無關緊要(即[1, 2]等價於[2, 1] )。 我現在想找到只出現一次的對,並獲得一個指示該值的布爾列表。 對於上面的例子,

b = [False, False, False, True, False]

由於a通常很大,我想避免顯式循環。 可能建議映射到frozenset s,但我不確定這是否太過分了。

ctr = Counter(frozenset(x) for x in a)
b = [ctr[frozenset(x)] == 1 for x in a]

我們可以使用 Counter 來獲取每個列表的計數(將列表轉為frozenset 以忽略順序),然​​后檢查每個列表是否只出現一次。

這是一個使用 NumPy 的解決方案,它比建議的frozenset解決方案快 10 倍:

a = numpy.array(a)
b = numpy.ascontiguousarray(a).view(
    numpy.dtype((numpy.void, a.dtype.itemsize * a.shape[1]))
_, inv, ct = numpy.unique(b, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
print(ct[inv] == 1)




from collections import Counter
import numpy
import perfplot

def fs(a):
    ctr = Counter(frozenset(x) for x in a)
    b = [ctr[frozenset(x)] == 1 for x in a]
    return b

def with_numpy(a):
    a = numpy.array(a)
    b = numpy.ascontiguousarray(a).view(
        numpy.dtype((numpy.void, a.dtype.itemsize * a.shape[1]))
    _, inv, ct = numpy.unique(b, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
    res = ct[inv] == 1
    return res

    setup=lambda n: numpy.random.randint(0, 10, size=(n, 2)),
    kernels=[fs, with_numpy],
    labels=["frozenset", "numpy"],
    n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(15)],

您可以從頭到尾掃描列表,同時將遇到的配對map到它們的第一個位置。 每當您處理一對時,您都會檢查之前是否遇到過它。 如果是這種情況,則 b 中第一次遭遇的索引和當前遭遇的索引都必須設置為 False。 否則,我們只需將當前索引添加到遇到的對的映射中,而不會更改 b。 b 最初將開始所有True 為了保持相同的[1,2][2,1] ,我首先簡單地對這對進行排序,以獲得穩定的表示。 代碼看起來像這樣:

def proc(a):
  b = [True] * len(a) # Better way to allocate this
  filter = {}
  idx = 0
  for p in a:
    m = min(p)
    M = max(p)
    pp = (m, M)
    if pp in filter:
      # We've found the element once previously
      # Need to mark both it and the current value as "False"
      # If we encounter pp multiple times, we'll set the initial
      # value to False multiple times, but that's not an issue
      b[filter[pp]] = False
      b[idx] = False
      # This is the first time we encounter pp, so we just add it
      # to the filter for possible later encounters, but don't affect
      # b at all.
      filter[pp] = idx
  return b

時間復雜度是O(len(a))這很好,但空間復雜度也是O(len(a)) (對於filter ),所以這可能不是那么好。 根據您的靈活性,您可以使用近似過濾器,例如布隆過濾器。

#-*- coding : utf-8 -*-
a = [[1, 2], [3, 6], [2, 1], [3, 5], [3, 6]]
result = filter(lambda el:(a.count([el[0],el[1]]) + a.count([el[1],el[0]]) == 1),a)
bool_res = [ (a.count([el[0],el[1]]) + a.count([el[1],el[0]]) == 1) for el in a]
print result
print bool_res


[[3, 5]]
[False, False, False, True, False]

將字典用於 O(n) 解決方案。

a = [ [1, 2], [3, 6], [2, 1], [3, 5], [3, 6] ]

dict = {}
boolList = []

# Iterate through a
for i in range (len(a)):

    # Assume that this element is not a duplicate
    # This 'True' is added to the corresponding index i of boolList
    boolList += [True]

    # Set elem to the current pair in the list
    elem = a[i]

    # If elem is in ascending order, it will be entered into the map as is
    if elem[0] <= elem[1]:
        key = repr(elem)
    # If not, change it into ascending order so keys can easily be compared
        key = repr( [ elem[1] ] + [ elem[0] ])

    # If this pair has not yet been seen, add it as a key to the dictionary
    # with the value a list containing its index in a.
    if key not in dict:
        dict[key] = [i]
    # If this pair is a duploicate, add the new index to the dict. The value
    # of the key will contain a list containing the indeces of that pair in a.
        # Change the value to contain the new index
        dict[key] += [i]

        # Change boolList for this to True for this index
        boolList[i] = False

        # If this is the first duplicate for the pair, make the first
        # occurrence of the pair into a duplicate as well.
        if len(dict[key]) <= 2:
            boolList[ dict[key][0] ] = False

print a
print boolList


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