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16 位 x 32 位的匯編乘法 => 48 位

[英]Assembly multiplication of 16-bit x 32-bit => 48-bit

假設我想在匯編中將一個大數乘以另一個(可能很小)的數。 大數(被乘數)保存在DX:AX ,乘數保存在BX MUL指令僅對AX 那么DX怎么辦呢?

例如,數字是0001:0000H (65536),我想將它乘以 2。

number     dw   0000h, 0001h
mov    ax, [number]
mov    dx, [number+2]
mov    bx, 2
mul    bx   ; it is ax*2 or 0000*2

所以結果為零! 對此有什么想法嗎?

讓我們假設這是 286,所以你沒有eax

number dd 0x12345678      ; = dw 0x5678, 0x1234
result dw 0, 0, 0         ; 32b * 16b = 48b needed
    mov    ax,[number]    ; 0x5678
    mov    cx,[number+2]  ; 0x1234 ; cx, dx will be used later
    mov    bx,0x9ABC
    ; now you want unsigned 0x12345678 * 0x9ABC (= 0xB00DA73B020)
    mul    bx             ; dx:ax = 0x5678 * 0x9ABC
    ; ^ check instruction reference guide why "dx:ax"!
    xchg   cx,ax
    mov    di,dx          ; di:cx = intermediate result
    mul    bx             ; dx:ax = 0x1234 * 0x9ABC
    ; put the intermediate multiplication results together
    ; into one 48b number dx:di:cx
    add    di,ax
    adc    dx,0
    ; notice how I added the new result as *65536 to old result
    ; by using different 16bit registers

    ; store the result
    mov    [result],cx
    mov    [result+2],di
    mov    [result+4],dx

這與在紙上乘以數字時的方式相同,只是您不移動 *10 個分量,而是利用 16b 寄存器大小的性質移動 *65536 (0x10000) 個分量以減少步驟。

* 37
  91 (13 * 7)
 39_ (13 * 3, shifted left by *base (=10))
---- (summing the intermediate results, the 39 "shifted")
 481 (13 * 37)


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