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如何在 C# 中使用 foreach 編寫結構數組

[英]How to write array of struct with foreach in C#


`錯誤 CS0030 無法將類型“ConsoleApplication5._3.Struct.Sach”轉換為“int”


public struct Sach
    public string TenSach;
    public string TacGia;
    public string GioiThieu;
    public int ID;
    public void nhapdulieu(string q,string w, string e, int r)
        TenSach = q;
        TacGia = w;
        GioiThieu = e;
        ID = r;
    public void Insach()
        Console.Write($"Ten sach: {TenSach}\n");
        Console.Write($"Tac gia: {TacGia}\n");
        Console.Write($"Gioi thieu: {GioiThieu}\n");
        Console.Write($"Ma sach: {ID}\n");

public class QuanLySach
    public static void NhapSach()

        Sach[] sach1 = new Sach[4];
        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
            Console.WriteLine("nhap ten sach, tac gia, gioi thieu, id:");
            sach1[i].TenSach = Console.ReadLine();
            sach1[i].TacGia = Console.ReadLine();
            sach1[i].GioiThieu = Console.ReadLine();
            var vv = Console.ReadLine();
            Int32.TryParse(vv, out sach1[i].ID);

        foreach(int bb in sach1)
         // in here i cant use foreach but i dont know why?

您錯誤地使用了foreach Foreach 循環將迭代槽序列,您的bb應該與該序列的基本類型相同。 在你的情況下,它應該是:

foreach(Sach bb in sach1)
     // in here i cant use foreach but i dont know why?


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