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[英]From pandas to dictionary so that the value in column one will be the key and the corresponding values in column two will all be in a list

我有一個非常大的熊貓 DataFrame 如下:

        t   gid
0   2010.0  67290
1   2020.0  92780
2   2040.0  92780
3   2060.0  92780
4   2090.0  92780
5   2110.0  92780
6   2140.0  92780
7   2190.0  92780
8   2010.0  69110
9   2010.0  78420
10  2020.0  78420
11  2020.0  78420
12  2030.0  78420
13  2040.0  78420


gid_to_t[gid] == 所有 t 的列表,

例如 - gid_to_t[92778] == [2020,2040,2060,2090,2110...]


gid_to_t = {}
for i,gid in enumerate(list(sps.gid)):
    gid_to_t[gid] = list(sps[sps.gid==gid].t)




我檢查了評論中建議的方法,這是數據: https : //drive.google.com/open?id=1d3zUkc543hm8CZ_ZyzAzdbmQUE_G55bU

import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.read_pickle('stack.pkl')

%timeit -n 2 df1.groupby('gid')['t'].apply(list).to_dict()
2 loops, best of 3: 4.76 s per loop
%timeit -n 2 df1.groupby('gid')['t'].apply(lambda x: x.tolist()).to_dict()
2 loops, best of 3: 4.21 s per loop
%timeit -n 2 df1.groupby('gid', sort=False)['t'].apply(list).to_dict()
2 loops, best of 3: 4.84 s per loop
%timeit -n 2 {name: group.tolist() for name, group in df1.groupby('gid')['t']}
2 loops, best of 3: 4 s per loop
%timeit -n 2 {name: group.tolist() for name, group in df1.groupby('gid', sort=False)['t']}
2 loops, best of 3: 3.96 s per loop
%timeit -n 2 {name: group['t'].tolist() for name, group in df1.groupby('gid', sort=False)}
2 loops, best of 3: 7.16 s per loop

嘗試從groupby創建的list Series中的to_dict創建dictionary

#if necessary convert column to int
df.t = df.t.astype(int)
d = df.groupby('gid')['t'].apply(list).to_dict()
print (d)
{92780: [2020, 2040, 2060, 2090, 2110, 2140, 2190], 
 67290: [2010], 
 78420: [2010, 2020, 2020, 2030, 2040], 
 69110: [2010]}

print (d[78420])
[2010, 2020, 2020, 2030, 2040]


d = df.groupby('gid', sort=False)['t'].apply(list).to_dict()
d = {name: group.tolist() for name, group in df.groupby('gid', sort=False)['t']}
d = {name: group['t'].tolist() for name, group in df.groupby('gid', sort=False)}


d = {name: group.tolist() for name, group in df.groupby('gid')['t']}

{67290: [2010.0],
 69110: [2010.0],
 78420: [2010.0, 2020.0, 2020.0, 2030.0, 2040.0],
 92780: [2020.0, 2040.0, 2060.0, 2090.0, 2110.0, 2140.0, 2190.0]}


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