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[英]Dcast multiple observation in a 1 cell in R


Customer    Month   BaseVolume  IncrementalVolume   TradeSpend
10          Jan         11            1             110
10          Feb         12            2             120
20          Jan         21            7             210
20          Feb         22            8             220


Customer    Jan                    Feb  
10          BaseVolume 11         BaseVolume 12
            IncrementalVolume 1   IncrementalVolume 2 
            TradeSpend 110        TradeSpend 120

20         BaseVolume 21          BaseVolume 22
           IncrementalVolume 7    IncrementalVolume 8 
           TradeSpend 210         TradeSpend 220     

我嘗試了dcast(重塑),但無法獲得此結果。 請幫幫我

您可以嘗試以下操作(就您而言,您的數據是df1,您需要在我提到的任何操作之前執行setDT(df1) ):

dt1 <- structure(list(Customer = c(10L, 10L, 20L, 20L), Month = c("Jan", 
"Feb", "Jan", "Feb"), BaseVolume = c(11L, 12L, 21L, 22L), IncrementalVolume = c(1L, 
2L, 7L, 8L), TradeSpend = c(110L, 120L, 210L, 220L)), .Names = c("Customer", 
"Month", "BaseVolume", "IncrementalVolume", "TradeSpend"), row.names = c(NA, 
-4L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))

res <- dcast(melt(dt1, id.vars = c("Customer", "Month")), Customer + variable~ Month)

> res
   Customer          variable Feb Jan
1:       10        BaseVolume  12  11
2:       10 IncrementalVolume   2   1
3:       10        TradeSpend 120 110
4:       20        BaseVolume  22  21
5:       20 IncrementalVolume   8   7
6:       20        TradeSpend 220 210


update_cols <- which(!names(res) %in% c("Customer", "variable"))
res[, (update_cols):= lapply(.SD, function(x) paste(variable, x)), .SDcols = update_cols][, variable:= NULL]


> res
     Customer            Feb                 Jan
1:       10       BaseVolume 12       BaseVolume 11
2:       10 IncrementalVolume 2 IncrementalVolume 1
3:       10      TradeSpend 120      TradeSpend 110
4:       20       BaseVolume 22       BaseVolume 21
5:       20 IncrementalVolume 8 IncrementalVolume 7
6:       20      TradeSpend 220      TradeSpend 210

盡管已經有了答案 ,但我認為它可以在某些方面進行改進以更接近預期的輸出:

  • OP已指定按月份JanFeb的順序顯示月份
  • 輸出難以閱讀
  • 列的調整應在dcast() 之前進行

我們將從將輸入數據的格式從寬格式重整為長格式開始,但要確保“ Month將以正確的順序顯示:

molten <- melt(dt1, id.vars = c("Customer", "Month"))
# turn Month into factor with levels in the given order
molten[, Month := forcats::fct_inorder(Month)]

現在,在調用dcast() 之前 ,將以長格式創建一個新的text列:

molten[, text := paste(variable, value)]
dcast(molten, Customer + variable ~ Month, value.var = "text")[, variable := NULL][]
#   Customer                 Jan                 Feb
#1:       10       BaseVolume 11       BaseVolume 12
#2:       10 IncrementalVolume 1 IncrementalVolume 2
#3:       10      TradeSpend 110      TradeSpend 120
#4:       20       BaseVolume 21       BaseVolume 22
#5:       20 IncrementalVolume 7 IncrementalVolume 8
#6:       20      TradeSpend 210      TradeSpend 220



dcast(molten, Customer ~ Month, value.var = "text", paste0, collapse = "\n")
#   Customer                                                Jan                                                Feb
#1:       10 BaseVolume 11\nIncrementalVolume 1\nTradeSpend 110 BaseVolume 12\nIncrementalVolume 2\nTradeSpend 120
#2:       20 BaseVolume 21\nIncrementalVolume 7\nTradeSpend 210 BaseVolume 22\nIncrementalVolume 8\nTradeSpend 220


molten[, text := paste(variable, value)]
molten[, text := stringr::str_pad(text, max(nchar(text)), "right")]
dcast(molten, Customer + variable ~ Month, value.var = "text")[, variable := NULL][]
#   Customer                 Jan                 Feb
#1:       10 BaseVolume 11       BaseVolume 12      
#2:       10 IncrementalVolume 1 IncrementalVolume 2
#3:       10 TradeSpend 110      TradeSpend 120     
#4:       20 BaseVolume 21       BaseVolume 22      
#5:       20 IncrementalVolume 7 IncrementalVolume 8
#6:       20 TradeSpend 210      TradeSpend 220     

或者, text列本身可以對齊:

fmt <- stringr::str_interp("%-${n}s %3i", list(n = molten[, max(nchar(levels(variable)))]))
molten[, text := sprintf(fmt, variable, value)]
dcast(molten, Customer + variable ~ Month, value.var = "text")[, variable := NULL][]
#   Customer                   Jan                   Feb
#1:       10 BaseVolume         11 BaseVolume         12
#2:       10 IncrementalVolume   1 IncrementalVolume   2
#3:       10 TradeSpend        110 TradeSpend        120
#4:       20 BaseVolume         21 BaseVolume         22
#5:       20 IncrementalVolume   7 IncrementalVolume   8
#6:       20 TradeSpend        210 TradeSpend        220


#[1] "%-17s %3i"



molten <- melt(dt1, id.vars = c("Customer", "Month"))
molten[, Month := forcats::fct_inorder(Month)]
dcast(molten, Customer + variable ~ Month, value.var = c("variable", "value"))
#   Customer          variable    variable.1_Jan    variable.1_Feb value_Jan value_Feb
#1:       10        BaseVolume        BaseVolume        BaseVolume        11        12
#2:       10 IncrementalVolume IncrementalVolume IncrementalVolume         1         2
#3:       10        TradeSpend        TradeSpend        TradeSpend       110       120
#4:       20        BaseVolume        BaseVolume        BaseVolume        21        22
#5:       20 IncrementalVolume IncrementalVolume IncrementalVolume         7         8
#6:       20        TradeSpend        TradeSpend        TradeSpend       210       220

但不幸的是,它缺少一種選項來輕松地以交替順序對列進行重新排序,即所有屬於Jan ,然后Feb等的列。


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