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C ++ 2D數組和指向指針的指針-我不理解此代碼

[英]c++ 2d arrays and pointers to pointers- I don't understand this code

我不理解指向2D數組的指針或指針。 我不明白以下代碼的作用。 任何人都可以逐行向我解釋它在做什么嗎? 對我來說,掌握這個概念確實很重要,但我無法掌握。

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    //i understand that we declare a 2d array
    int tD[2][2];
    //but then i'm confused why there is a pointer to a pointer when there isn't a pointer in the first place
    int **tD2;
    //and i am confused what the star after int does
    tD2 = new int*[2];

    //i think i get this
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        tD2[i] = new int[2];

    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        delete [] tD2[i];

    //lost here
    delete [] tD2;

    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    //i understand that we declare a 2d array
    int tD[2][2];

    //but then i'm confused why there is a pointer to a pointer when there isn't a pointer in the first place
    int **tD2; // A 1D array is an int*; int** makes an array of int*'s, which are themselves arrays (not necessarily all next to each other).

    //and i am confused what the star after int does
    tD2 = new int*[2]; // allocates memory for two int*'s.
        int* a = new int[2];
        int** b = new int*[2];
        int*** c = new int**[2];

        See the pattern? It's one less * than the type.

    //i think i get this
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        tD2[i] = new int[2];

    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        delete [] tD2[i]; // deallocates each inner array.

    //lost here
    delete [] tD2; // deallocate the outer array. (i.e., the array that holds the "inner arrays").

    return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    //i understand that we declare a 2d array
    int tD[2][2];
    //but then i'm confused why there is a pointer to a pointer when there isn't a pointer in the first place
    int **tD2;

這定義tD2作為指針(第一* )的指針(第二* )向int 這對任何東西都沒有用,因為它只是一個指針,還沒有指向任何東西。 直到它指出某事,它才是危險的。

    //and i am confused what the star after int does
    tD2 = new int*[2];

這會動態地將兩個指針( * )的數組分配給int ,並將此數組分配給tD2 現在, tD2指向某物並且可以安全使用。 但是,指針數組尚未初始化且很危險。

    //i think i get this
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        tD2[i] = new int[2];

該循環為指向上面指向的int的指針數組中的每個指針動態分配兩個int的數組。 現在,所有指針都指向某物。

    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        delete [] tD2[i];

動態分配的所有內存都應在處理完之后返回到其原始位置,以便可以重用該內存,否則最終程序將耗盡內存。 delete []返回一個數組,並確保調用了適當的析構函數。 此循環釋放int數組。

    //lost here
    delete [] tD2;


    return 0;

注意:這是管理2D陣列的可怕方法。 查看您要做的所有工作。 考慮一下忘記或無法返回分配的內存有多么容易。 程序員必須記住尺寸或使用tD2傳遞尺寸,以確保沒有人超出范圍。

不要這樣 而是使用std::vector

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    //i understand that we declare a 2d array
    int tD[2][2];
    vector<vector<int>> tD2(2,          // outer vector contains 2 vectors
                            vector(2)); // inner vector contains 2 ints

    return 0;

vector為您照顧記憶。 它知道所有尺寸有多大,因此很難丟失。 at有一個方法,它不會讓您越界。 如果您需要變大,它會變大。 采取動態數組! 最重要的是,它具有完全支持搜索,排序和操作的庫。 您必須傻傻不使用vector




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