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在richTextBox 中搜索單詞(windows 窗體,c#)

[英]Searching for words in richTextBox (windows forms, c#)

我需要幫助在richTextBox 中計算相同的單詞,並且還想為它們分配數字/單詞。 一個盒子里有 500,000 多個字,而且都只寫了 3 到 6 遍。 一種解決方案是提前寫下我正在尋找的單詞,在一個框中搜索並為其分配一個數字/單詞。 但是要這樣做的太多了,如果有更快的方法,它將對我有很大幫助。 提前致謝!


        for (int i = 0; i < Url.Length; i++)
            doc = web.Load(Url[i]);

            int x=0;
            int y=0;

            //here was a long list of whiles for *fors* down there, 
            //removed to be cleaner for you to see 
            //one example:                 
            //while (i == 0)
            //    x = 18;
            //    y = 19;
            //    break;

            for (int w = 0; w < x; w++)
                string metascore = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@class=\"trow8\"]")[w].InnerText;
            for (int z = 0; z < y; z++)
                string metascore1 = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@class=\"trow2\"]")[z].InnerText;

假設您有文本、從文件中讀取、從某個網頁下載或 RTB...使用 LINQ 將為您提供所需的一切。

string textToCount = "...";
// second step, split text by delimiters of your own
List<string> words = textToCount.Split(' ', ',', '!', '?', '.', ';', '\r', '\n') // split by whatever characters
            .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))                           // eliminate all whitespaces
            .Select(w => w.ToLower())                                            // transform to lower for easier comparison/count
// use LINQ helper method to group words and project them into dictionary
// with word as a key and value as total number of word appearances
// this is the actual magic. With this in place, it's easy to get statistics.
var groupedWords = words.GroupBy(w => w)
   .ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Count());`

// to get various statistics
// total different words - count your dictionary entries
// the most often word - looking for the word having the max number in the list of values
groupedWords.First(kvp => kvp.Value == groupedWords.Values.Max()).Key
// mentioned this many times
// similar for min, just replace call to Max() with call to Min()
// print out your dictionary to see for every word how often it's metnioned
foreach (var wordStats in groupedWords)
    Console.WriteLine($"{wordStats.Key} - {wordStats.Value}");

此解決方案類似於上一篇文章。 主要區別在於該解決方案使用按單詞分組,這很簡單並將其放入字典。 在那里,可以很容易地找到很多。

假設你有一個 RichTextBox 在某個地方跑來跑去,我們會稱他為 Bob:

        //Grab all the text from the RTF
        TextRange BobRange = new TextRange(
                // TextPointer to the start of content in the RichTextBox.
                // TextPointer to the end of content in the RichTextBox.

        //Assume words are sperated by space, commas or periods, split on that and thorw the words in a List
        List<string> BobsWords = BobRange.Text.Split(new char[] { ' ', ',', '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList<string>();

        //Now use Linq for .net to grab what you want
        int CountOfTheWordThe = BobsWords.Where(w => w == "The").Count();

        //Now that we have the list of words we can create a MetaDictionary
        Dictionary<string, int> BobsWordsAndCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        foreach( string word in BobsWords)
            if (!BobsWordsAndCounts.Keys.Contains(word))
                BobsWordsAndCounts.Add( word, BobsWords.Where(w => w == word).Count(); )

這就是你給一個詞分配一個數字的意思嗎? 您想知道 RichTextBox 中每個單詞的數量嗎?



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