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如何重構數據框以基於Column [se]值創建新的列標簽,然后使用Column [value]值填充這些新列

[英]How can I restructure a dataframe to create new column labels based on Column[se] values and then populate those new columns with Column[value] Values


index                Date  Device  Element  Sub_Element    Value
179593 2017-11-28 16:39:00       x        y   eth_txload        9
179594 2017-11-28 16:39:00       x        y   eth_rxload       30
179595 2017-11-28 16:39:00       x        y  eth_ip_addr  x.x.x.x
179596 2017-11-28 16:39:00       x        y  description   string


Date  Device  Element  description eth_txload eth_rxload eth_ip_addr
2017-11-28 16:39:00       x        y       string          9         30     x.x.x.x


為每個Sub_Element創建數據幀並合並= ['Date','Device','Element']?





    index                 Date Device Element  Sub_Element    Value
0  179593  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y   eth_txload        9
1  179594  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y   eth_rxload       30
2  179595  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y  eth_ip_addr  x.x.x.x
3  179596  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y  description   string


df_out = df.set_index(['Date','Device','Element','Sub_Element'])\



Sub_Element                 Date Device Element description eth_ip_addr eth_rxload eth_txload
0            2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y      string     x.x.x.x         30          9

我就是這樣做的。 我的解決方案並不像斯科特那樣“花哨”,但我打破了邏輯中的步驟。 對於即插即用場景,他的解決方案可能更好:

#reading in dataframe from your text
df1 = pd.read_clipboard()

# creating an untouched copy of df1 for minpulation
df2 = df1.copy()    

# dropping the duplicates of index and Date to get one row
df1 = df1.drop_duplicates(subset=['index', 'Date'])

# creating a dictionary of key, value pairs for each column and value
kv = dict(zip(df2.Sub_Element, df2.Value))

# creating a datframe out of the above dictionary
new_df = pd.DataFrame(kv, index=[0])

# creating temp values to merge on
df1['tmp'] = 1
new_df['tmp'] = 1

# merging on the tmp values
output_df = df1.merge(new_df, on='tmp')

# cleaning up for the output
del output_df['Sub_Element']
del output_df['Value']
del output_df['tmp]

        index      Date Device Element description eth_ip_addr eth_rxload  eth_txload 
0  2017-11-28  16:39:00      x       y      string     x.x.x.x         30   9


# read in the dataframe
df = pd.read_clipboard()

# set up what we will be joining to
anchor = df[['Date','Device','Element']].drop_duplicates()

# loop through the values we want to pivot out
for element in df['Sub_Element'].unique():

    # filter the original dataframe for the value for Sub_Element
    # using the copy method avoids SettingWithCopyWarning
    temp = df[df['Sub_Element']==element].copy() 

    temp.rename(columns={'Value':element},inplace=True) #rename the header

    # left join the new dataframe to the anchor in case of NaNs
    anchor = anchor.merge(temp[['Date','Device','Element',element]],


                  Date Device Element eth_txload eth_rxload eth_ip_addr description
0  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y          9         30     x.x.x.x string


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