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[英]Labels on Tanglegram not working (dendextend)

我嘗試過幾次將標簽放在纏結圖中(包dendextend),但是我的標簽(etic)不起作用,它們也可以在簡單圖上使用。 我應該使用哪個命令?

> dati<-read.table("moto.txt",header=T)
> dat<-dati[,-1:-3] #I delete the first three columns because they are 
    qualitative variables (motorcycle brand and model)
> etic<-read.table("moto.txt",header=T)[,2] #my labels (motorcycle model)
> etic
[1] R1200GS AfricaT V-Strom Scrambl MT-07   Z650    Tracer  Multist CB500X  
    Iron883 CMX500  Vulcan  Supers  CBR-RR  GSX-R  
> sdx<-scale(dat)
> d<-dist(sdx)#I assign the matrix of distances to "d"
> library (dendextend)
> hc1<-hclust(d,method="complete")
> hs1<-hclust(d,method="single")
> tanglegram(hc1,hs1, labels=etic)
Error in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) : 
 'labels' is supplied and not 'at'
  Inoltre: Warning messages:
  1: In plot.window(...) : parametro grafico "labels" non valido
  2: In plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : parametro grafico "labels" non valido

> tanglegram(hc1,hs1) #tanglegram work but without labels

函數中沒有稱為“標簽”的參數。 您應該更新樹狀圖的標簽,並將其提供給纏結圖。


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