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[英]Cannot calculate correctly a 2d array in Java

好吧,我有程序的這一部分,無論我做什么,我都無法獲得期望的輸出。 我拼命嘗試使用8'println'來發現我的錯誤,但仍然不知道該怎么辦。 盡管我認為問題始於k的第二個值。k = 1

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

      String path = args[0];
      BufferedReader br = null;
      String line;

       int count = 0;
       while ((line=br.readLine()) != null) {

              if (count==0) {
                 int n = Integer.parseInt(line);

            else if (count==1) {
                 int m = Integer.parseInt(line);
                 int Cost = new int[n][m];
                 int VMs = new int[m][m];

           else if (count>=3 && count<n+3) { 
                   String[] Spliter = line.split("\\s+"); 
                   for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
                 String str = Spliter[j];
                 int x = Integer.parseInt(str);
                 Cost[count-3][j] = x;

           else if (count>=n+4 && count<=n+4+m) {
                   String[] Spliter = line.split("\\s+");
                   for (int k = 0; k < m; k++) {
                       String str = Spliter[k];
                       int x = Integer.parseInt(str);
                       Vms[count-n-4][k] = x; 


           int[][] NewCost = new int[n][m];
                for (int w = 0; w<m; w++){

           for (int i = 1; i<n; i++){
                for (int j = 0; j<m; j++){
                   int a = 10000;

                   for (int k = 0; k<m; k++){
                       y = Cost[i-1][k] + Cost[i][j] + Vms[k][j];

                       if (y < a) {
                          NewCost[i][j] = y;
                          a = y;

           for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
               for (int j = 0; j<m; j++) {
                 System.out.print(NewCost[i][j] + " ");

對於下面的輸入( <-是我的解釋,不包含在輸入文本中)

4     <--that's my n
3     <--that's my m

5 6 3
7 8 5    <--that's the *Cost* array
7 8 3
2 7 6

0 7 2
7 0 2    <--that's the *VMs* array
2 2 0 


5 6 3 
12 13 8     <-- *NewCost* array
17 18 11
15 20 17


5 6 3 
12 13 8
14 15 8
7 12 9


NewCost[0][j] = Cost[0][j]     <-- this must be true in every possible input. 
To be specific, in this example we want the first row NewCost[0][j] = {5 , 6 , 3}

NewCost[1][0] = min(X1,X2,X3) = min(12,20,12) = 12
X1=Cost[0][0]+Cost[1][0]+VMs[0][0] = 5+7+0 = 12
X2=Cost[0][1]+Cost[1][0]+VMs[1][0] = 6+7+7 = 20
X3=Cost[0][2]+Cost[1][0]+VMs[2][0] = 3+7+2 = 12

NewCost[1][1] = min(Y1,Y2,Y3) = min(20,14,13) = 13
Y1=Cost[0][0]+Cost[1][1]+VMs[0][1] = 5+8+7 = 20
Y2=Cost[0][1]+Cost[1][1]+VMs[1][1] = 6+8+0 = 14
Y3=Cost[0][2]+Cost[1][1]+VMs[2][1] = 3+8+2 = 13

NewCost[1][2] = min(Z1,Z2,Z3) = min(12,13,8) = 8
Z1=Cost[0][0]+Cost[1][2]+VMs[0][2] = 5+5+2 = 12
Z2=Cost[0][1]+Cost[1][2]+VMs[1][2] = 6+5+2 = 13
Z3=Cost[0][2]+Cost[1][2]+VMs[2][2] = 3+5+0 = 8

So the second row will be NewCost[1][j] = {12 , 13 , 8}

NewCost[2][0] = min(X1,X2,X3) = min(19,27,17) = 17
X1=Cost[1][0]+Cost[2][0]+VMs[0][0] = 12+7+0 = 19
X2=Cost[1][1]+Cost[2][0]+VMs[1][0] = 13+7+7 = 27
X3=Cost[1][2]+Cost[2][0]+VMs[2][0] = 8+7+2 = 17

NewCost[2][1] = min(Y1,Y2,Y3) = min(27,21,18) = 18
Y1=Cost[1][0]+Cost[2][1]+VMs[0][1] = 12+8+7 = 27
Y2=Cost[1][1]+Cost[2][1]+VMs[1][1] = 13+8+0 = 21
Y3=Cost[1][2]+Cost[2][1]+VMs[2][1] = 8+8+2 = 18

NewCost[2][2] = min(Z1,Z2,Z3) = min(17,18,11) = 11
Z1=Cost[1][0]+Cost[2][2]+VMs[0][2] = 12+3+2 = 17
Z2=Cost[1][1]+Cost[2][2]+VMs[1][2] = 13+3+2 = 18
Z3=Cost[1][2]+Cost[2][2]+VMs[2][2] = 8+3+0 = 11

So the third row will be NewCost[2][j] = {17 , 18 , 11}

NewCost[3][0] = min(X1,X2,X3) = min(19,27,15) = 15
X1=Cost[2][0]+Cost[3][0]+VMs[0][0] = 17+2+0 = 19
X2=Cost[2][1]+Cost[3][0]+VMs[1][0] = 18+2+7 = 27
X3=Cost[2][2]+Cost[3][0]+VMs[2][0] = 11+2+2 = 15

NewCost[3][1] = min(Y1,Y2,Y3) = min(31,25,20) = 20
Y1=Cost[2][0]+Cost[3][1]+VMs[0][1] = 17+7+7 = 31
Y2=Cost[2][1]+Cost[3][1]+VMs[1][1] = 18+7+0 = 25
Y3=Cost[2][2]+Cost[3][1]+VMs[2][1] = 11+7+2 = 20

NewCost[3][2] = min(Z1,Z2,Z3) = min(25,26,17) = 17
Z1=Cost[2][0]+Cost[3][2]+VMs[0][2] = 17+6+2 = 25
Z2=Cost[2][1]+Cost[3][2]+VMs[1][2] = 18+6+2 = 26
Z3=Cost[2][2]+Cost[3][2]+VMs[2][2] = 11+6+0 = 17

So the forth row will be NewCost[3][j] = {15 , 20 , 17}

我們仍然還不太了解您要解決的問題,但是從示例計算中可以看出,您希望添加到加法中的第一個值是最外層循環的先前迭代中的優化值。 您的問題是,您僅將先前的迭代保存在NewCost但僅從Cost讀取值。

對於NewCost[2][0]您計算出X3=Cost[1][2]+Cost[2][0]+VMs[2][0] = 8+7+2 = 17 ,這是不准確的。 Cost[1][2]是5,而不是8,因為它來自原始的Cost數組。 如果要從先前的迭代中檢索8,則需要從保存結果的NewCost數組中查找它。

這是動態編程的重點,可以使用您在下一輪計算中最近計算出的最優值。 但這僅在您使用最近的計算時才有效!


y = Cost[i-1][k] + Cost[i][j] + Vms[k][j];

y = NewCost[i-1][k] + Cost[i][j] + Vms[k][j];


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