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Cannot calculate correctly a 2d array in Java

Well, i have this part of a program and i can't get the output i'm expecting no matter what i do. I used 8 'println' in a desperate try to find my mistake, but still can't figure out what i should do. Although i think the problem starts at the second value of k .. k=1 .

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

      String path = args[0];
      BufferedReader br = null;
      String line;

       int count = 0;
       while ((line=br.readLine()) != null) {

              if (count==0) {
                 int n = Integer.parseInt(line);

            else if (count==1) {
                 int m = Integer.parseInt(line);
                 int Cost = new int[n][m];
                 int VMs = new int[m][m];

           else if (count>=3 && count<n+3) { 
                   String[] Spliter = line.split("\\s+"); 
                   for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
                 String str = Spliter[j];
                 int x = Integer.parseInt(str);
                 Cost[count-3][j] = x;

           else if (count>=n+4 && count<=n+4+m) {
                   String[] Spliter = line.split("\\s+");
                   for (int k = 0; k < m; k++) {
                       String str = Spliter[k];
                       int x = Integer.parseInt(str);
                       Vms[count-n-4][k] = x; 


           int[][] NewCost = new int[n][m];
                for (int w = 0; w<m; w++){

           for (int i = 1; i<n; i++){
                for (int j = 0; j<m; j++){
                   int a = 10000;

                   for (int k = 0; k<m; k++){
                       y = Cost[i-1][k] + Cost[i][j] + Vms[k][j];

                       if (y < a) {
                          NewCost[i][j] = y;
                          a = y;

           for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
               for (int j = 0; j<m; j++) {
                 System.out.print(NewCost[i][j] + " ");

for the input below (the <-- are mine explanations and are not inlcuded in the input text)

4     <--that's my n
3     <--that's my m

5 6 3
7 8 5    <--that's the *Cost* array
7 8 3
2 7 6

0 7 2
7 0 2    <--that's the *VMs* array
2 2 0 

i should get something like this

5 6 3 
12 13 8     <-- *NewCost* array
17 18 11
15 20 17

but istead i get this

5 6 3 
12 13 8
14 15 8
7 12 9

examples of calculations:

NewCost[0][j] = Cost[0][j]     <-- this must be true in every possible input. 
To be specific, in this example we want the first row NewCost[0][j] = {5 , 6 , 3}

NewCost[1][0] = min(X1,X2,X3) = min(12,20,12) = 12
X1=Cost[0][0]+Cost[1][0]+VMs[0][0] = 5+7+0 = 12
X2=Cost[0][1]+Cost[1][0]+VMs[1][0] = 6+7+7 = 20
X3=Cost[0][2]+Cost[1][0]+VMs[2][0] = 3+7+2 = 12

NewCost[1][1] = min(Y1,Y2,Y3) = min(20,14,13) = 13
Y1=Cost[0][0]+Cost[1][1]+VMs[0][1] = 5+8+7 = 20
Y2=Cost[0][1]+Cost[1][1]+VMs[1][1] = 6+8+0 = 14
Y3=Cost[0][2]+Cost[1][1]+VMs[2][1] = 3+8+2 = 13

NewCost[1][2] = min(Z1,Z2,Z3) = min(12,13,8) = 8
Z1=Cost[0][0]+Cost[1][2]+VMs[0][2] = 5+5+2 = 12
Z2=Cost[0][1]+Cost[1][2]+VMs[1][2] = 6+5+2 = 13
Z3=Cost[0][2]+Cost[1][2]+VMs[2][2] = 3+5+0 = 8

So the second row will be NewCost[1][j] = {12 , 13 , 8}

NewCost[2][0] = min(X1,X2,X3) = min(19,27,17) = 17
X1=Cost[1][0]+Cost[2][0]+VMs[0][0] = 12+7+0 = 19
X2=Cost[1][1]+Cost[2][0]+VMs[1][0] = 13+7+7 = 27
X3=Cost[1][2]+Cost[2][0]+VMs[2][0] = 8+7+2 = 17

NewCost[2][1] = min(Y1,Y2,Y3) = min(27,21,18) = 18
Y1=Cost[1][0]+Cost[2][1]+VMs[0][1] = 12+8+7 = 27
Y2=Cost[1][1]+Cost[2][1]+VMs[1][1] = 13+8+0 = 21
Y3=Cost[1][2]+Cost[2][1]+VMs[2][1] = 8+8+2 = 18

NewCost[2][2] = min(Z1,Z2,Z3) = min(17,18,11) = 11
Z1=Cost[1][0]+Cost[2][2]+VMs[0][2] = 12+3+2 = 17
Z2=Cost[1][1]+Cost[2][2]+VMs[1][2] = 13+3+2 = 18
Z3=Cost[1][2]+Cost[2][2]+VMs[2][2] = 8+3+0 = 11

So the third row will be NewCost[2][j] = {17 , 18 , 11}

NewCost[3][0] = min(X1,X2,X3) = min(19,27,15) = 15
X1=Cost[2][0]+Cost[3][0]+VMs[0][0] = 17+2+0 = 19
X2=Cost[2][1]+Cost[3][0]+VMs[1][0] = 18+2+7 = 27
X3=Cost[2][2]+Cost[3][0]+VMs[2][0] = 11+2+2 = 15

NewCost[3][1] = min(Y1,Y2,Y3) = min(31,25,20) = 20
Y1=Cost[2][0]+Cost[3][1]+VMs[0][1] = 17+7+7 = 31
Y2=Cost[2][1]+Cost[3][1]+VMs[1][1] = 18+7+0 = 25
Y3=Cost[2][2]+Cost[3][1]+VMs[2][1] = 11+7+2 = 20

NewCost[3][2] = min(Z1,Z2,Z3) = min(25,26,17) = 17
Z1=Cost[2][0]+Cost[3][2]+VMs[0][2] = 17+6+2 = 25
Z2=Cost[2][1]+Cost[3][2]+VMs[1][2] = 18+6+2 = 26
Z3=Cost[2][2]+Cost[3][2]+VMs[2][2] = 11+6+0 = 17

So the forth row will be NewCost[3][j] = {15 , 20 , 17}

We still don't really understand the problem you're trying to solve, but it appears from your example calculations that the first value you wish to include in your additions is the optimized value from the previous iteration of the outermost loop. Your problem is that you've saved that previous iteration only in NewCost but are only reading values from Cost .

For NewCost[2][0] you calculated X3=Cost[1][2]+Cost[2][0]+VMs[2][0] = 8+7+2 = 17 , which is inaccurate. Cost[1][2] is 5, not 8, as it's coming from the original Cost array. If you're wanting 8 to be retrieved from the previous iteration, you're going to need to look it up from the NewCost array where you saved that result.

This is the point of dynamic programming, to use optimal values you've calculated recently in your next round of calculations. But it only works if you use your recent calculations!

Try changing

y = Cost[i-1][k] + Cost[i][j] + Vms[k][j];


y = NewCost[i-1][k] + Cost[i][j] + Vms[k][j];

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