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如何將文本文件(name1:hobby1 name2:hobby2)制作成這個(name1:hobby1,hobby2 name2:hobby1,hobby2)?

[英]How to make a text file (name1:hobby1 name2:hobby2) into this (name1:hobby1, hobby2 name2:hobby1, hobby2)?

我是編程的新手,我需要一些幫助。 我有一個文本文件,其中包含許多名稱和愛好,如下所示:








一些名字和愛好重復。 我正在嘗試使程序顯示如下:




def create_dictionary(file):
newlist = []
dict = {}
file = open("hobbies_database.txt", "r")
hobbies = file.readlines()
for rows in hobbies:
    rows1 = rows.split(":")
    k = rows1[0] # nimi
    v = (rows1[1]).rstrip("\n") # hobi
    dict = {k: v}
    for k, v in dict.items():
        if v in dict[k]:

你可以嘗試這樣的事情。 我故意改寫這個,因為我試圖告訴你如何用更“Pythonic的方式”來解決這個問題。 至少更多地使用語言。

例如,您可以在字典中創建數組,以更直觀地表示數據。 然后,以您希望的方式打印信息將更容易。

def create_dictionary(file):

    names = {} # create the dictionary to store your data

    # using with statement ensures the file is closed properly
    # even if there is an error thrown
    with open("hobbies_database.txt", "r") as file:

        # This reads the file one line at a time
        # using readlines() loads the whole file into memory in one go
        # This is far better for large data files that wont fit into memory
        for row in file:

            # strip() removes end of line characters and trailing white space
            # split returns an array [] which can be unpacked direct to single variables
            name, hobby = row.strip().split(":")

            # this checks to see if 'name' has been seen before
            # is there already an entry in the dictionary
            if name not in names:

                # if not, assign an empty array to the dictionary key 'name'
                names[name] = []

            # this adds the hobby seen in this line to the array

    # This iterates through all the keys in the dictionary
    for name in names:

        # using the string format function you can build up
        # the output string and print it to the screen

        # ",".join(array) will join all the elements of the array
        # into a single string and place a comma between each

        # set(array) creates a "list/array" of unique objects
        # this means that if a hobby is added twice you will only see it once in the set

        # names[name] is the list [] of hobby strings for that 'name'
        print("{0}: {1}\n".format(name, ", ".join(set(names[name]))))

希望這會有所幫助,並且可能會指向更多Python概念的方向。 如果你還沒有通過入門教程......我肯定會推薦它。


import sys 
from collections import defaultdict

def create_dictionary(inputfile):
    d = defaultdict(list)
    for line in inputfile:
        name, hobby = line.split(':', 1)
    return d

with open(sys.argv[1]) as fp: 
    for name, hobbies in create_dictionary(fp).items():
        print(name, ': ', sep='', end='')
        print(*hobbies, sep=', ')


Sophie: sport
Chris: origami
Peter: hiking
Jack: crafting
Wendy: gaming
Monica: tennis, design


data = map(lambda x:x.strip(), open('hobbies_database.txt'))
tmp = {}
for i in data:
    k,v = i.strip().split(':')
    if not tmp.get(k, []):
        tmp[k] = []
for k,v in tmp.iteritems():
    print k, ':', ','.join(v)


Monica : tennis,design
Jack : crafting
Wendy : gaming
Chris : origami
Sophie : sport
Peter : hiking


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