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[英]How do I iterate a loop over 300 data points over list of dataframe indices in python?

我有超過12,000秒的數據點,並且創建了一個循環,在300秒的間隔內並不是很好,並且需要在循環中使用索引。 我該怎么做,以便我可以在需要時提取有關第一個300s間隔和以后的第二個間隔的信息; 我該如何修復現有代碼呢?

init_list = [] # initial values for chunks 
median_list = [] # list of median values for 300 s intervals 
holding_list = [] # hold values up till what you tell it to
pos_count = 0 # 0 = position 1 for python
for i in range(len(flux_maxij)): 
    holding_list.append(flux_maxij[i]) # append means add on to 
    if pos_count == 0: # '==' means IF it is this value
    if pos_count == 299: # 299 = 300 which is the 'end' of the range 
        holding_list.sort() #make it pretty 
        median_list.append(holding_list[149]) # half of 300 is 150,                149 for python
        holding_list = [] 
        pos_count = -1 # -1+1 = o, position 1 when it loops back 

    pos_count += 1

x = np.array([init_list]) # makes arrays for x and y to graph it 
y = np.array([median_list])

plt.plot(x,y, 's')      

看來您可以訪問flux_maxij索引。 因此,大概您也可以訪問切片?


# OR
start = 0

並且init_list似乎包含[ init_list ,...]

init_list = list(range(0, len(flux_maxij), 300))  # range from 0 to the total length, jumping 300 each time
median_list = []
for i in init_list:
    holding = sorted(flux_maxij[i:i+300])  # get the next bit of the list and sort it
    median_list.append(holding[149])  # append the median

x = np.array([init_list])
y = np.array([median_list])

plt.plot(x, y, 's')

那樣有用嗎? 不知道什么是flux_maxij很難理解。


interval = 300
divided_list = [flux_maxij[i:i+interval] for i in range(0, len(flux_maxij), interval)]

您可以看到range如何接受三個參數: range(init_value, end_value, step_size)然后為每個間隔打印(或存儲)所需的值:

x = np.array(range(0, len(flux_maxij), interval))
y = np.array([np.median(j) for j in divided_list])
plt.plot(x, y, 's')


plt.plot(np.array(range(0, len(flux_maxij), interval)), 
         np.array([np.median(j) for j in [flux_maxij[i:i+interval] for i in range(0, len(flux_maxij), interval)]]),


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