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R-使用purrr :: pmap()進行逐行迭代

[英]R - Using purrr::pmap() for row-wise iteration

我試圖了解pmap的工作原理。 下面的小標題包含一個list-column values 我想創建一個新列New ,該列取決於values列中的相應元素是否為NULL。 由於is.null沒有被向量化,因此我最初想到在使用rowwise()之前先使用rowwise() pmap()

mutate() rowwise()之前使用rowwise()可得到所需的結果,如下所示:

tbl = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, pars)) %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(New = ifelse(is.null(values), paste(id, default), paste(id, values, collapse=", ")))

> tbl
Source: local data frame [2 x 6]
Groups: <by row>

# A tibble: 2 x 6
  id        lower     upper     values     default   New        
  <list>    <list>    <list>    <list>     <list>    <chr>        
1 <chr [1]> <dbl [1]> <dbl [1]> <NULL>     <dbl [1]> a 5          
2 <chr [1]> <NULL>    <NULL>    <list [3]> <chr [1]> b 0, b 1, b 2

但是, pmap()不會:

tbl = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, pars)) %>%
      mutate(New = pmap(., ~ifelse(is.null(values), paste(id, default), paste(id, values, collapse=", "))))

> tbl
  id lower upper  values default                         New
1  a     1    10    NULL       5 a NULL, b list("0", "1", "2")
2  b  NULL  NULL 0, 1, 2       1 a NULL, b list("0", "1", "2")


tbl = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, pars)) %>%
  mutate(Value = pmap(., function(values, default, id, ...) ifelse(is.null(values), paste(id, default), paste(id, values, collapse=", "))))

> tbl
  id lower upper  values default         Value
1  a     1    10    NULL       5           a 5
2  b  NULL  NULL 0, 1, 2       1 b 0, b 1, b 2

但是我不明白為什么波浪號版本會失敗? 我寧願不必完全指定參數,因為我需要在多個列上映射函數。 我要去哪里錯了?

我正要問一個與此非常相似的問題。 基本上,詢問如何在mutate使用pmap ,而不必多次使用變量名。 相反,我將其作為“答案”發布在這里,因為它包含一個reprex和許多我發現的選項,這些選項都不令我完全滿意。 希望其他人可能能夠根據需要回答如何做。

當使用帶列表列的data.frame時,我經常想在dplyr::mutate使用purrr::pmap 有時,這涉及到很多重復的變量名。 我希望能夠使用匿名函數更簡潔地執行此操作,以便在傳遞給pmap.f參數時,變量僅使用一次。



df <- tribble(
  ~x,   ~y,      ~z,         
  c(1), c(1,10), c(1, 10, 100),
  c(2), c(2,20), c(2, 20, 200),


func <- function(x, y, z){c(sum(x), sum(y), sum(z))}

實際上,該函數將更加復雜,並包含許多變量。 該函數只需要使用一次,因此我不希望不必顯式命名它並阻塞腳本和工作環境。

這是選項。 每個創建完全相同的data.frame,但以不同的方式。 包含avg`` will be come clear. Note I'm not considering position matching using的原因avg`` will be come clear. Note I'm not considering position matching using avg`` will be come clear. Note I'm not considering position matching using ..1 , ..2`等進行avg`` will be come clear. Note I'm not considering position matching using ,因為這很容易弄亂。

# Explicitly create a function for `.f`.
# This requires using the variable names (x, y, z) three times.
# It's completely clear what it's doing, but needs a lot of typing.
# It might sometimes fail - see https://github.com/tidyverse/purrr/issues/280

df_explicit <- df %>%
    avg = x - mean(x),
    a = pmap(.l = list(x, y, z), .f = function(x, y, z){ c(sum(x), sum(y), sum(z)) })

# Pass the whole of `df` to `.l` and add `...` in an explicit function to deal with any unused columns. 
# variable names are used twice.
# `df` will have to be passes explicitly if not using pipes (eg, `mutate(.data = df, a = pmap(.l = df, ...`).
# This is probably inefficient for large datasets.

df_dots <- df %>%
    avg = x - mean(x),
    a = pmap(.l = ., .f = function(x, y, z, ...){ c(sum(x), sum(y), sum(z)) })

# Use `pryr::f` (as discussed in https://stackoverflow.com/a/51123520/4269699).
# Variable names are used twice.
# Potentially unexpected behaviour.
# Not obvious to the casual reader why the extra `pryr::f` is needed and what it's doing

df_pryrf <- df %>%
    avg = x - mean(x),
    a = pmap(.l = list(x,y,z), .f = pryr::f({c(sum(x), sum(y), sum(z))} ))

# Use `rowwise()` similar to this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47734073/4269699
# Variable names are used once.
# It will mess up any vectorised functions used elsewhere in mutate, hence the two `mutate()`s

df_rowwise <- df %>%
  mutate( avg = x - mean(x) ) %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate( a = list( {c(sum(x), sum(y), sum(z))} ) ) %>%

# Use Romain Francois' neat {rap} package.
# Variable names used once.
# Like `rowwise()` it will mess up any vectorised functions so it needs two `mutate()`s for this particular problem

library('rap') #devtools::install_github("romainfrancois/rap")
df_rap <- df %>%
  mutate( avg = x - mean(x) ) %>%
  rap( a = ~ c(sum(x), sum(y), sum(z)) )

# Another solution discussed here https://stackoverflow.com/a/51123520/4269699 doesn't seem to work inside `mutate()`, but maybe could be tweaked?
# Like the `pryr::f` solution, it's not immediately obvious what the purpose of the `with(list(...` bit is.

df_with <- df %>%
    avg = x-mean(x),
    a = pmap(.l = list(x,y,z), .f = ~with(list(...), { c(sum(x), sum(y), sum(z))} ))


理想情況下,類似以下的情況是可能的,其中qmap函數知道從傳遞給mutate s .data參數的對象中查找(行式)變量xyz

df_new <- df %>%
    avg = x-mean(x),
    a = qmap( ~c(sum(x), sum(y), sum(z)) )




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