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[英]How to match value of one row with its immediate another row in different column in R

因此,我有客戶在線購買機票的這些數據。 我想看看其中有多少人預訂了回程票。 因此,基本上,我想針對同一個人和帳戶將起始城市與緊鄰行的目標城市進行匹配,反之亦然,這將為我提供他們的雙向旅行數據,然后我要計算他們的旅行天數。 我正在R中嘗試執行此操作,但是我無法將原點與直接行的目的地進行匹配,反之亦然。



Account number          origin city Destination city    Date
1                     London    chicago              7/22/2018
2                      Milan    London               7/23/2018
2                      London    Milan               7/28/2018
1                     chicago    london              8/22/2018


編輯:添加了“ trip_num”以更好地處理同一個人的重復旅行。

# First, convert date field to Date type
df <- df %>% 
  mutate(Date = lubridate::mdy(Date)) %>%
  # update with M-M's suggestion in comments
  mutate_at(.vars = vars(origin_city, Destination_city), .funs = toupper) %>%
  # EDIT: adding trip_num to protect against extraneous joins for repeat trips
  group_by(Account_number, origin_city, Destination_city) %>%
  mutate(trip_num = row_number()) %>%

df2 <- df %>%
  left_join(df, by = c("Account_number", "trip_num",
                       "origin_city" = "Destination_city",
                       "Destination_city" = "origin_city")) %>%
  mutate(days = (Date.x - Date.y)/lubridate::ddays(1))

> df2
# A tibble: 6 x 7
  Account_number origin_city Destination_city Date.x     trip_num Date.y      days
           <int> <chr>       <chr>            <date>        <int> <date>     <dbl>
1              1 LONDON      CHICAGO          2018-07-22        1 2018-08-22   -31
2              2 MILAN       LONDON           2018-07-23        1 2018-07-28    -5
3              2 LONDON      MILAN            2018-07-28        1 2018-07-23     5
4              1 CHICAGO     LONDON           2018-08-22        1 2018-07-22    31
5              2 MILAN       LONDON           2018-08-23        2 2018-08-28    -5
6              2 LONDON      MILAN            2018-08-28        2 2018-08-23     5

數據:(按Account_number 2添加重復行程)

df <- read.table(
  header = T, 
  stringsAsFactors = F,
  text = "Account_number          origin_city Destination_city    Date
1                     London    chicago              7/22/2018
2                      Milan    London               7/23/2018
2                      London    Milan               7/28/2018
1                     chicago    london              8/22/2018
2                      Milan    London               8/23/2018
2                      London    Milan               8/28/2018")


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