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[英]How can I have the randomly generated number be different each time in the whileloop?

我面臨的問題是,在進行用戶廣播時,值中隨機生成的數字應該是隨機的。 但是,循環開始后,所有值始終保持不變

hp = 1000
Fireball = random.randint(5, 10)
Iceblast = random.randint(0, 20)
Healingtouch = random.randint(5, 10)

MiniBug = 100
bspell1 = random.randint(0, 5)
bspell2 = random.randint(10, 20)
bspell3 = 15
bheal1 = 10
bossturn = random.choice([bspell3, bspell2, bspell1, bheal1])

while MiniBug >= 0:
    usercasting = input("Cast a Spell: ")
    if usercasting == "Fireball":
        print("Your spell did ", Fireball, "damage to the enemy!")
        MiniBug -= Fireball
        print("MiniBug has", MiniBug, "Hp left!")

    if usercasting == "Iceblast":
        MiniBug -= Iceblast
        print("Your spell did ", Iceblast, "damage to the enemy!")
        print("MiniBug has", MiniBug, "Hp left!")

    if usercasting == "Healingtouch":
        hp += Healingtouch
        print("You healed yourself by", Healingtouch, "!")

    if MiniBug != 0:
        if bossturn == bspell1:
            hp -= bspell1
            print("The enemy attacked you for", bspell1, ",and your current hp is", hp)
        if bossturn == bspell2:
            hp -= bspell2
            print("The enemy attacked you for", bspell2, "and your current hp is", hp)
        if bossturn == bspell3:
            hp -= bspell3
            print("The enemy attacked you for", bspell3, ", and your current hp is", hp)
        if bossturn == bheal1:
            MiniBug += bheal1
            print("The enemy healed himself by", bheal1, "and his hp is", MiniBug)




random.randint(lowerbound,upperbound)返回一個數字,從下限到上限,但僅在調用時返回。 因此,在while語句內,您不會在while語句內生成其他隨機數。 這意味着一旦設置,bspell1,bspell2和bossturn都將具有不變的值。

您需要將bossturn = random.choice([bspell3,bspell2,bspell1,bheal1])移到while語句中,如下所示:

hp = 1000

MiniBug = 100

bspell3 = 15
bheal1 = 10

while MiniBug >= 0:
    // some of these need to be moved into their appropriate if statements, but to generate
    // new values each round, they need to be in the while loop
    bossturn = random.choice([bspell3, bspell2, bspell1, bheal1])
    Fireball = random.randint(5, 10)
    Iceblast = random.randint(0, 20)
    Healingtouch = random.randint(5, 10)
    bspell1 = random.randint(0, 5)
    bspell2 = random.randint(10, 20)
    usercasting = input("Cast a Spell: ")
    if usercasting == "Fireball":
        print("Your spell did ", Fireball, "damage to the enemy!")
        MiniBug -= Fireball
        print("MiniBug has", MiniBug, "Hp left!")

    if usercasting == "Iceblast":
        MiniBug -= Iceblast
        print("Your spell did ", Iceblast, "damage to the enemy!")
        print("MiniBug has", MiniBug, "Hp left!")

    if usercasting == "Healingtouch":
        hp += Healingtouch
        print("You healed yourself by", Healingtouch, "!")

    if MiniBug != 0:
        if bossturn == bspell1:
            hp -= bspell1
            print("The enemy attacked you for", bspell1, ",and your current hp is", hp)
        if bossturn == bspell2:
            hp -= bspell2
            print("The enemy attacked you for", bspell2, "and your current hp is", hp)
        if bossturn == bspell3:
            hp -= bspell3
            print("The enemy attacked you for", bspell3, ", and your current hp is", hp)
        if bossturn == bheal1:
            MiniBug += bheal1
            print("The enemy healed himself by", bheal1, "and his hp is", MiniBug)


您可能遇到一個問題,其中每次運行時隨機數生成器的種子都相同。 您可以通過根據當前時間設置種子來避免這種情況。

import random
import time




  • 如果您想從較大范圍中獲取一些數字,請選擇一個,如果重復則拒絕。 如果范圍較大,則不會造成太多重復嘗試。

  • 如果您希望從一個較小的范圍獲得大量數字,請在數組中列出所有數字,然后對數組進行隨機排列。 從改組后的數組中依次獲取隨機數。

  • 如果您希望從較大范圍獲得大量數字,請使用適當大小的加密算法。 例如,對於64位數字,請使用DES並依次加密0、1、2、3,...。 由於加密是可逆的,因此保證了輸出的唯一性。 查看非標准大小的格式保留加密

正如@Valentino所說,您沒有生成真正的隨機數。 原始RNG始終可以產生重復的數字。


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