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如何從動態字符串 C# 中獲取特定字符串

[英]How to get specific string from dynamic string C#

我在提取特定字符串時遇到問題。 我有以下字符串(這可能會有所不同):

show inventory<br><br>Name: "My Device Name One", DESCR: "ASA 5506-X
SSD"<br>PID: ASA5506-SSD       , VID: N/A     , SN: MSA203301BV<br>WARD-99ST-FW01#Name:
"Chassis", DESCR: "ASA 5506-X with FirePOWER services, 8GE, AC, DES"<br>PID: ASA5506     
, VID: V06     , SN: JMX2042Y12V<br>Name: "Storage Device 1", DESCR: "ASA5506-X SSD"<br>
PID: ASA5506-SSD       , VID: N/A     , SN:MSA203301BV<br>WARD-99ST-FW01#

我想從這個字符串中解析“SN”,其中“Name”= Chassis。 所以從上面的字符串我需要結果=“JMX2042Y12V”。 我不想使用</br>標簽進行解析,因為它們在某些情況下不會出現。


private static List<string> ExtractFromBody(string body, string start, string end)
    List<string> matched = new List<string>();

    int indexStart = 0;
    int indexEnd = 0;

    bool exit = false;

    while (!exit)
        indexStart = body.IndexOf(start);

        if (indexStart != -1)
            indexEnd = indexStart + body.Substring(indexStart).IndexOf(end);

            matched.Add(body.Substring(indexStart + start.Length, indexEnd - indexStart - start.Length));

            body = body.Substring(indexEnd + end.Length);
            exit = true;

    return matched;


var result= ExtractFromBody(St, ", SN: ", "<br/>");

foreach (var r in result)


您可能可以對 SN 使用正則表達式(結合您現有的代碼,找到 substring 的起始索引進行搜索)

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var body = "show inventory<br><br>Name: \"My Device Name One\", DESCR: \"ASA 5506-XSSD\"<br>PID: ASA5506-SSD       , VID: N/A     , SN: MSA203301BV<br>WARD-99ST-FW01#Name:\"Chassis\", DESCR: \"ASA 5506-X with FirePOWER services, 8GE, AC, DES\"<br>PID: ASA5506 , VID: V06     , SN: JMX2042Y12V<br>Name: \"Storage Device 1\", DESCR: \"ASA5506-X SSD\"<br>PID: ASA5506-SSD       , VID: N/A     , SN:MSA203301BV<br>WARD-99ST-FW01#";

        var regex = new Regex("(SN: )(\\w+)");

        var indexStart = body.IndexOf("Chassis");

        var substringToParse = body.Substring(indexStart);

        var matchingResult = regex.Match(substringToParse);

        //SN: JMX2042Y12V
        var fullResult = matchingResult.Groups[0].Value;
        Console.WriteLine($"Full result: {fullResult}");

        //SN: (<- contains trailing space)
        var snGroup = matchingResult.Groups[1].Value;
        Console.WriteLine($"SN group result (with trailing space): {snGroup}");

        var valueGroup = matchingResult.Groups[2].Value;
        Console.WriteLine($"Value group result: {valueGroup}");

我使用這個Name:\s?"Chassis"[\s\S]*?, SN:/s?(.{11})正則表達式來查找所有匹配項,然后從每個匹配項中檢索組 1

我還假設每個 SN id 正好有 11 個字符,因為我們需要知道 SN 何時停止編輯:您可以使用(\w+)而不是(.{11})

這里是 go:

        string someHtml = "show inventory<br><br>Name: \"My Device Name One\", DESCR: \"ASA 5506 - XSSD\"<br>PID: ASA5506-SSD       , VID: N/A     , SN: MSA203301BV<br>WARD-99ST-FW01#Name:\"Chassis\", DESCR: \"ASA 5506-X with FirePOWER services, 8GE, AC, DES\" < br > PID: ASA5506, VID: V06     , SN: JMX2042Y12V<br> Name: \"Chassis\", DESCR: \"ASA5506-X SSD \" < br > PID: ASA5506 - SSD       , VID: N / A     , SN: MSA203301BV<br> WARD-99ST - FW01#";

        Regex FindHwndWrapper = new Regex("Name:\\s?\"Chassis\"[\\s\\S]*?, SN:\\s?(.{11})");

        MatchCollection matches = FindHwndWrapper.Matches(someHtml);

        foreach(Match match in matches)


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