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System.FormatException: '輸入字符串的格式不正確。' 在 C# 黃皮書教科書中

[英]System.FormatException: 'Input string was not in a correct format.' in C# Yellowbook textbook

我正在關注 Rob Miles 在 C# 編程黃書中的一個例子。 我從電子書中復制並粘貼了這個例子。

  • 這是錯誤:

     width = double.Parse(widthString); <- this gives the error of: System.FormatException: 'Input string was not in a correct format.' <- Why???
  • 完整代碼:

     double width, height, woodLength, glassArea; string widthString, heightString; widthString = Console.ReadLine(); width = double.Parse(widthString); <- this gives the error of: System.FormatException: 'Input string was not in a correct format.' <- Why??? heightString = Console.ReadLine(); height = double.Parse(heightString); woodLength = 2 * (width + height) * 3.25; glassArea = 2 * (width * height); Console.WriteLine("The length of the wood is " + woodLength + " feet"); Console.WriteLine("The area of the glass is " + glassArea + " square metres"); Console.ReadLine(); }

該代碼從控制台讀取一個字符串。 該字符串應為有效的雙精度值(即 1.2、4.3 等),但您似乎輸入了無效的雙精度值。

我建議添加一些提示來指導用戶他們期望輸入的內容。 例如:

    double width, height, woodLength, glassArea; string widthString, heightString;

    Console.Write("Enter the width (as a decimal number): "); // <- Add this
    widthString = Console.ReadLine(); 
    width = double.Parse(widthString); <- this gives the error of: System.FormatException: 'Input string was not in a correct format.' <- Why??? 

    Console.Write("Enter the height (as a decimal number): "); // <- And this
    heightString = Console.ReadLine(); 
    height = double.Parse(heightString);

    woodLength = 2 * (width + height) * 3.25;

    glassArea = 2 * (width * height);

    Console.WriteLine("The length of the wood is " + woodLength + " feet"); 
    Console.WriteLine("The area of the glass is " + glassArea + " square metres");



如果您的輸入字符串為空或非數字(或對於雙變量范圍而言太大),則 if 將引發該錯誤。 在這些情況下,我更喜歡使用 TryParse。

double width, height, woodLength, glassArea; string widthString, heightString;

widthString = Console.ReadLine();
heightString = Console.ReadLine();

double.TryParse(widthString, out width);
double.TryParse(heightString, out height);

woodLength = 2 * (width + height) * 3.25;

glassArea = 2 * (width * height);

Console.WriteLine("The length of the wood is " + woodLength + " feet");
Console.WriteLine("The area of the glass is " + glassArea + " square metres");



正如下面的評論中提到的(感謝您的反饋),您還需要驗證輸入。 你可以通過多種方式做到這一點。 以下是有關如何執行此操作的示例:

        double width, height, woodLength, glassArea; string widthString, heightString;

        width = GetValidDblInput("Please enter the width:");
        height = GetValidDblInput("Please enter the height:");
        woodLength = 2 * (width + height) * 3.25;

        glassArea = 2 * (width * height);

        Console.WriteLine("The length of the wood is " + woodLength + " feet");
        Console.WriteLine("The area of the glass is " + glassArea + " square metres");



    static double GetValidDblInput(string inputRequest)
        bool IsValid = false;
        double val = 0;
            if(double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out val))
                IsValid = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a valid value (e.g. 1, 3.25, 400)");
        return val;

在控制台上輸入值時,請確保使用正確的小數點分隔符。 如果在使用解析方法時沒有指定特定格式,框架通常會回退到程序運行所在操作系統的區域格式。


  • Parse(String, NumberStyles)
  • Parse(String, IFormatProvider)
  • Parse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider)



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