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如何在 pandas/matplotlib/seaborn 中繪制分類和連續數據

[英]how to plot categorical and continuous data in pandas/matplotlib/seaborn


第 1 列 ['genres']:這些是表中所有類型的值計數

Drama              2453
Comedy             2319
Action             1590
Horror              915
Adventure           586
Thriller            491
Documentary         432
Animation           403
Crime               380
Fantasy             272
Science Fiction     214
Romance             186
Family              144
Mystery             125
Music               100
TV Movie             78
War                  59
History              44
Western              42
Foreign               9
Name: genres, dtype: int64

第 2 列 ['release_year']:這些是不同類型流派的所有發行年份的價值計數

2014    699
2013    656
2015    627
2012    584
2011    540
2009    531
2008    495
2010    487
2007    438
2006    408
2005    363
2004    307
2003    281
2002    266
2001    241
2000    226
1999    224
1998    210
1996    203
1997    192
1994    184
1993    178
1995    174
1988    145
1989    136
1992    133
1991    133
1990    132
1987    125
1986    121
1985    109
1984    105
1981     82
1982     81
1983     80
1980     78
1978     65
1979     57
1977     57
1971     55
1973     55
1976     47
1974     46
1966     46
1975     44
1964     42
1970     40
1967     40
1972     40
1968     39
1965     35
1963     34
1962     32
1960     32
1969     31
1961     31
Name: release_year, dtype: int64

我需要回答這樣的問題 - 每年最流行的類型是什么? 等等


seaborn 更適合繪制此類變量嗎?

我應該將年份數據分成 2 個十年(1900 年和 2000 年)嗎?

Sample of the table: 
    id   popularity runtime genres  vote_count  vote_average    release_year
0   135397  32.985763   124 Action     5562     6.5             2015
1   76341   28.419936   120 Action     6185     7.1             1995
2   262500  13.112507   119 Adventure  2480     6.3             2015
3   140607  11.173104   136 Thriller   5292     7.5             2013
4   168259  9.335014    137 Action     2947     7.3             2005


使用 seaborn 為數據框繪制直方圖

就我個人而言,我更喜歡 seaborn 用於這種情節,因為它更容易。 但是您也可以使用 matplotlib。

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# sample data
samples = 300
ids = range(samples)
gind = np.random.randint(0, 4, samples)
years = np.random.randint(1990, 2000, samples)

# create sample dataframe
gkeys = {1: 'Drama', 2: 'Comedy', 3: 'Action', 4: 'Adventure', 0: 'Thriller'}
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(ids, gind, years),
                  columns=['ID', 'Genre', 'Year'])
df['Genre'] = df['Genre'].replace(gkeys)

# count the year groups
res = df.groupby(['Year', 'Genre']).count()
res = res.reset_index()

# only the max values
# res_ind = res.groupby(['Year']).idxmax()
# res = res.loc[res_ind['ID'].tolist()]

# viz
g = sns.catplot(x='Year',
                y= 'ID',
g.set_axis_labels("Year", "Count")

如果這是一個情節中的許多垃圾箱,只需將其拆分即可。 陰謀


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