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Python 中的快速隱含波動率計算

[英]Fast Implied Volatility Calculation in Python

我正在尋找一個庫,我可以用它來更快地計算 python 中的隱含波動率。 我有大約 1+ 百萬行的期權數據,我想為其計算隱含波動率。 我可以計算IV的最快方法是什么。 我嘗試過使用 py_vollib,但它不支持矢量化。 大約需要5分鍾。 計算。 是否有任何其他庫可以幫助加快計算速度。 人們在每秒有數百萬行進入的實時波動率計算中使用什么?

您必須意識到隱含波動率計算的計算成本很高,如果您想要實時數字,python 可能不是最佳解決方案。


import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
N = norm.cdf

def bs_call(S, K, T, r, vol):
    d1 = (np.log(S/K) + (r + 0.5*vol**2)*T) / (vol*np.sqrt(T))
    d2 = d1 - vol * np.sqrt(T)
    return S * norm.cdf(d1) - np.exp(-r * T) * K * norm.cdf(d2)

def bs_vega(S, K, T, r, sigma):
    d1 = (np.log(S / K) + (r + 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * T) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T))
    return S * norm.pdf(d1) * np.sqrt(T)

def find_vol(target_value, S, K, T, r, *args):
    PRECISION = 1.0e-5
    sigma = 0.5
    for i in range(0, MAX_ITERATIONS):
        price = bs_call(S, K, T, r, sigma)
        vega = bs_vega(S, K, T, r, sigma)
        diff = target_value - price  # our root
        if (abs(diff) < PRECISION):
            return sigma
        sigma = sigma + diff/vega # f(x) / f'(x)
    return sigma # value wasn't found, return best guess so far


S = 100
K = 100
T = 11
r = 0.01
vol = 0.25

V_market = bs_call(S, K, T, r, vol)
implied_vol = find_vol(V_market, S, K, T, r)

print ('Implied vol: %.2f%%' % (implied_vol * 100))
print ('Market price = %.2f' % V_market)
print ('Model price = %.2f' % bs_call(S, K, T, r, implied_vol))


市場價格 = 35.94

Model 價格 = 35.94


size = 10000
S = np.random.randint(100, 200, size)
K = S * 1.25
T = np.ones(size)
R = np.random.randint(0, 3, size) / 100
vols = np.random.randint(15, 50, size) / 100
prices = bs_call(S, K, T, R, vols)

params = np.vstack((prices, S, K, T, R, vols))
vols = list(map(find_vol, *params))

掛壁時間:10.5 秒

如果將所有對norm.cdf() -方法的調用更改為ndtr() ,您將獲得 2.4 倍的性能提升。

如果您將norm.pdf() -方法更改為norm._pdf() ,您將獲得另一個(巨大的)增長。

實施這兩項更改后,上面的示例在我的機器上從 17.7 秒下降到 0.99 秒。


見: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/1914


最近, py_vollib提供了py_vollib的矢量化版本,它建立在py_vollib ,可以更快地為數千種期權合約定價和計算希臘字母。

!pip install py_vollib

這將返回希臘人以及 black_scholes price 和 iv

import py_vollib 
from py_vollib.black_scholes  import black_scholes as bs
from py_vollib.black_scholes.implied_volatility import implied_volatility as iv
from py_vollib.black_scholes.greeks.analytical import delta 
from py_vollib.black_scholes.greeks.analytical import gamma
from py_vollib.black_scholes.greeks.analytical import rho
from py_vollib.black_scholes.greeks.analytical import theta
from py_vollib.black_scholes.greeks.analytical import vega
import numpy as np

#py_vollib.black_scholes.implied_volatility(price, S, K, t, r, flag)

price (float) – the Black-Scholes option price
S (float) – underlying asset price
sigma (float) – annualized standard deviation, or volatility
K (float) – strike price
t (float) – time to expiration in years
r (float) – risk-free interest rate
flag (str) – ‘c’ or ‘p’ for call or put.
def greek_val(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma):
    price = bs(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)
    imp_v = iv(price, S, K, t, r, flag)
    delta_calc = delta(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)
    gamma_calc = gamma(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)
    rho_calc = rho(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)
    theta_calc = theta(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)
    vega_calc = vega(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)
    return np.array([ price, imp_v ,theta_calc, delta_calc ,rho_calc ,vega_calc ,gamma_calc])

S = 8400
K = 8600
sigma = 16
r = 0.07
t = 1

call=greek_val('c', S, K, t, r, sigma)

put=greek_val('p', S, K, t, r, sigma)

您可以使用二進制搜索快速找到隱含的 vol

def goalseek(spot_price: float,
             strike_price: float,
             time_to_maturity: float,
             option_type: str,
             option_price: float):
    volatility = 2.5
    upper_range = 5.0
    lower_range = 0
    MOE = 0.0001 # Minimum margin of error
    max_iters = 100
    iter = 0

    while iter < max_iters: # Don't iterate too much
        price = proposedPrice(spot_price=spot_price,
                               option_type=option_type) # BS Model Pricing
        if abs((price - option_price)/option_price) < MOE:
            return volatility

        if price > option_price:
            tmp = volatility
            volatility = (volatility + lower_range)/2
            upper_range = tmp
        elif price < option_price:
            tmp = volatility
            volatility = (volatility + upper_range)/2
            lower_range = tmp
        iter += 1
    return volatility

請使用 py_vollib.black_scholes.greeks.numerical 而不是分析用於回測目的。 當期權執行價格在價內或價內以及非流動性合約時的分析拋出錯誤,在這種情況下,使用歷史波動率而不是隱含波動率來計算期權希臘。 嘗試:使用 iv 和 except:使用 hv


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