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我正在嘗試制作一個 function 將 integer 轉換為不返回字符串的字符串。 我該如何解決這個問題?

[英]I'm trying to make a function that converts integer to string which is not returning the string. How can I solve this?

我正在嘗試使用此代碼將整數轉換為字符串它正在打印值但沒有向調用 function 返回任何內容

char* itoa(int num, int num_len)
    char str[num_len+2];
    int i;
    //if the num is 0
    if(num == 0)
        strcpy(str, "0");
    //if the num is negetive then we append a '-' sign at the beginning
    //and put '\0' at (num_len+1)th position 
    else if(num < 0)
        num *= -1;
        str[num_len+1] = '\0';
        str[0] = '-';
        i = num_len+1;
    //we put '\0' (num_len)th position i.e before the last position
        str[num_len] = '\0';
        i = num_len;

        str[i] = num%10 + '0';
        printf("%c ",str[i]);//for debugging

    return str;

我只是忘記了那個規則。 非常感謝您

char* itoa(int num, int num_len,char* str)
    int i;
    str = (char*)malloc((num_len + 2)*sizeof(char)); 
    if(num == 0)
        strcpy(str, "0");
    else if(num < 0)
        num *= -1;
        str[num_len+1] = '\0';
        str[0] = '-';
        i = num_len;
        str[num_len] = '\0';
        i = num_len-1;

        str[i] = num%10 + '0';
        printf("%c ",str[i]);

    return str;


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