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Python 在多個嵌套循環中集成多處理

[英]Python Integrate multiprocessing in multiple nested loops

由於我缺乏編碼技能,我正在制作一個非常低效的拼字游戲單詞生成器。 在這個程序中,用戶輸入一系列字母,程序使用蠻力找到每個有效的拼字游戲單詞。 為了加快這個過程,我想實現多處理,但無法讓它成功工作。 工作的非多處理代碼如下

from multiprocessing import Process
usrList = input("type the letters you have     ")
usrList = list(usrList.upper())

storedList = []

def word2 (usrList):
    print('trying to find two letter words')
    for i in range(0,len(usrList)):
        for j in range(0,len(usrList)):
            if i != j:
                if str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j]) not in storedList and str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+'\n' in dicList:

def word3(usrList):
    print('trying to find three leter words')
    if len(usrList) > 2:
        for i in range(0,len(usrList)):
            for j in range(0,len(usrList)):
                for k in range(0,len(usrList)):
                    if i != j and i != k and j != k:
                        if  str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k]) not in storedList and str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k])+'\n' in dicList :

def word4(usrList):
    print('trying to find four letter words')
    if len(usrList) > 3:
        for i in range(0,len(usrList)):
            for j in range(0,len(usrList)):
                for k in range(0,len(usrList)):
                    for l in range(0,len(usrList)):
                        if i !=j and i != k and i!= l and j!= k and j!= l and k != l:
                            if str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k])+str(usrList[l]) not in storedList and str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k])+str(usrList[l])+'\n' in dicList: 

def word5(usrList):
    print('trying to find five letter words')
    if len(usrList) > 4:
        for i in range(0,len(usrList)):
            for j in range(0,len(usrList)):
                for k in range(0,len(usrList)):
                    for l in range(0,len(usrList)):
                        for m in range(0,len(usrList)):
                            if i !=j and i != k and i!= l and i != m and j!= k and j!= l and j!= m and k != l and k != m and l !=m:
                                if str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k])+str(usrList[l])+str(usrList[m]) not in storedList and str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k])+str(usrList[l])+str(usrList[m])+'\n' in dicList:

def word6(usrList):
    print('trying to find six letter words')
    if len(usrList) > 5:
        for i in range(0,len(usrList)):
            for j in range(0,len(usrList)):
                for k in range(0,len(usrList)):
                    for l in range(0,len(usrList)):
                        for m in range(0,len(usrList)):
                            for n in range(0,len(usrList)):
                                if i !=j and i != k and i!= l and i != m and i != n and j!= k and j!= l and j!= m and j !=n and k != l and k != m and k != n and l !=m and l != n and m!= n:
                                    if str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k])+str(usrList[l])+str(usrList[m])+str(usrList[n]) not in storedList and str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k])+str(usrList[l])+str(usrList[m])+str(usrList[n])+'\n' in dicList:

def word7(usrList):
    print('trying to find seven letter words')
    if len(usrList) > 6:
        for i in range(0,len(usrList)):
            for j in range(0,len(usrList)):
                for k in range(0,len(usrList)):
                    for l in range(0,len(usrList)):
                        for m in range(0,len(usrList)):
                            for n in range(0,len(usrList)):
                                for o in range(0,len(usrList)):
                                    if i !=j and i != k and i!= l and i != m and i != n and i != 0 and j!= k and j!= l and j!= m and j !=n and j != o and k != l and k != m and k != n and k!= o and l !=m and l != n and l != 0 and m!= n and m != o and n != o:
                                        if str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k])+str(usrList[l])+str(usrList[m])+str(usrList[n])+str(usrList[o]) not in storedList and str(usrList[i])+str(usrList[j])+str(usrList[k])+str(usrList[l])+str(usrList[m])+str(usrList[n])+str(usrList[o])+'\n' in dicList :

f = 'ScrabbleDic.txt'
with open(f,'r') as file:
    for line in file:

if __name__ == '__main__':


這是您的代碼的較短實現。 我已經對 usrList 進行了硬編碼,並且由於我無權訪問您正在使用的字典文件,因此我使用的是 MacOS 附帶的默認字典文件。 我沒有編寫嵌套循環和檢查重復索引,而是使用 itertools 模塊生成給定長度的 usrList 的所有排列。 這不會顯着加快代碼速度,但可以更輕松地演示可能的更改:

import itertools

usrList = ['P', 'Y', 'T', 'H', 'O', 'N', 'S']
storedList = []
with open('/usr/share/dict/words', 'r') as dict_file:
    dicList = [word.strip().upper() for word in dict_file]

def possible_words(length):
    for letter_permutation in itertools.permutations(usrList, length):
        word = ''.join(letter_permutation)  # itertools returns a tuple, not a string
        if word in dicList:  # This requires a linear search through the list

for word_length in range(2, 8):  # Note that the upper bound is 7 letters, not 8

在我的 Macbook 上運行大約需要47.4 秒 為了加快速度,讓我們按照您的建議添加多處理。 有幾種使用多處理的方法,但最容易實現的可能是創建一個池並調用它的map() function。

如果您不習慣使用其他函數作為 arguments 的函數,此語法可能看起來有點奇怪。 實際上,我們正在創建一個工人池,然后為該池提供一個 function 和一系列 arguments 以在該 function 上使用。 然后將各個 function 調用拆分到池中,而不是按順序調用:

import itertools
import multiprocessing

usrList = ['P', 'Y', 'T', 'H', 'O', 'N', 'S']
storedList = []
with open('/usr/share/dict/words', 'r') as dict_file:
    dicList = [word.strip().upper() for word in dict_file]

def possible_words(length):
    for letter_permutation in itertools.permutations(usrList, length):
        word = ''.join(letter_permutation)
        if word in dicList:

if __name__ == '__main__':  # multiprocessing complains if this isn't isolated
    with multiprocessing.Pool(6) as p:  # Creates 6 worker processes
        p.map(possible_words, range(2, 8))  # Each process calls possible_words() with a different input

這在我的 Macbook 上運行32.3秒。 我們縮短了四分之一的時間,可能有一些方法可以從這種方法中擠出更多的性能。 但也值得研究一下算法,看看是否有其他方法可以加快速度。

現在,您正在創建一個字典單詞列表。 當您檢查潛在單詞是否在該列表中時,Python 必須掃描整個列表,直到找到匹配項或到達末尾。 我的內置字典有 235K 單詞,所以這意味着它必須對它生成的每個無意義的字母組合進行 235K 字符串比較!

如果從使用列表切換到集合,Python 可以改為使用 hash function 在幾乎恆定的時間內查找一個值,而不是在每個條目的掃描時間。 讓我們嘗試一下,而不是多處理:

import itertools

usrList = ['P', 'Y', 'T', 'H', 'O', 'N', 'S']
storedList = []
with open('/usr/share/dict/words', 'r') as dict_file:
    dicSet = {word.strip().upper() for word in dict_file}   # By changing [] to {}, this is now a set

def possible_words(length):
    for letter_permutation in itertools.permutations(usrList, length):
        word = ''.join(letter_permutation)
        if word in dicSet:  # This now only does 1 check, not 235,000

for word_length in range(2, 8):

這個版本在0.005 秒內運行,只需更改兩個字符!

總之,多處理是一個有用的工具,但它可能不應該是您嘗試的第一件事。 通過思考您正在使用的數據結構和算法以及瓶頸可能在哪里,您通常會獲得更好的結果。

解決此類難題的經典解決方案不是檢查每個可能的排列,而是將樣本字母和字典中的單詞轉換為一致的可搜索排列 - 通過對它們的字符進行排序!

現在,您無需在字典中搜索“PYTHONS”的每個排列,只需對字母進行排序以創建鍵“HNOPSTY”,所有具有相同鍵的有效單詞都將在 map 中找到。

使用 defaultdict,很容易創建字典中所有單詞的查找 map。 我們使用defaultdict(list)而不是 dict 因為多個單詞可能排序到同一個鍵。

from collections import defaultdict
dictionary_mapping = defaultdict(list)

# assuming dictionary is a list of all valid words, regardless of length
for word in dictionary:
    key = ''.join(sorted(word.upper()))

search_word = "PYTHONS"
search_key = ''.join(sorted(search_word.upper()))

# get all words that are anagrams of the search word, or the empty list if none
print(dictionary_mapping.get(search_key, []))


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