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數據表 C# - 如何根據 ID 從一個表中獲取詳細記錄及其從另一表中的關聯子記錄

[英]Datatable C# - How to get detail record from one table and its associated sub record from another table based on ID


  1. 獲取學生詳細信息,它工作正常,如使用 getJson 以綠色圈出的圖像中所述。

  2. 我還想獲得選定學生的所有發票及其付款。



問題 - 用紅色圈出

一個。 我在數據表的第一行中沒有可用的數據。


灣。 僅從 Invoice 表中獲取數據,而不從 payment 表中獲取數據。

c。 無法從表中記錄 select。


作為用戶 select 列表中的任何學生,它應該顯示所有發票及其相應的付款,然后轉到下一張發票及其相關付款。




付款 ID:發票 ID 12345 為 12,12345 為 14,12347 為 17,依此類推。

JSON 代碼:

var oTable1;
        oTable1 = $('#invoiceNo').dataTable();
        $('#invoiceNo').on('click', 'tr', function ()
            var stu_id = $(this).find('td').eq(0).text();
                var aid = parseInt(stu_id);
                    id: aid
                function (data) {
                    num_rows = data.length;
                    var myTable = $('#inv_pay').DataTable();

                        $(data).each(function (index, item) {
                            $('#inv_pay tbody').append(
                            '<tr><td>' + this.InvoiceID +
                            '</td><td>' + this.InvoiceIDate +
                            '</td><td>' + this.Invoice_Type_Name +



public IList<Transaction> GetInvByStuID()
                DBAPPSEntities _db = new DBAPPSEntities();
                this.Invoice_Type_Name = "Invoice";
                IList<Transaction> List = (from q in _db.DEL_STU_INV
                                           where q.STU_ID == this.Stu_ID
                                           select new Transaction
                                               InvoiceID = q.INVOICE_ID,
                                               InvoiceIDate = q.Inv_Issue_Date,
                                               InvoiceDDate = q.Inv_Due_Date,
                                               Invoice_Month1 = q.Inv_Month_1,
                                               Invoice_Month2 = q.Inv_Month_2,
                                               Invoice_Month3 = q.Inv_Month_3,
                                               Invoice_Note = q.Inv_Note,
                                               Invoice_Adjustment = q.Adjust_Type,
                                               Invoice_Type_Name = this.Invoice_Type_Name,
                return List;
                return null;

注意:- linq 查詢僅來自發票表,不確定如何與付款表結合,可以更改。

第 101 節

Controller - 設置學生ID

 public JsonResult showStu_Inv_Pay(int id)
            var model = new Transaction { Stu_ID = id }; // student id set to model 

            var data = model.GetInvByStuID();
            return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

第 102 條


需要 LINQ 查詢

第 103 節 - 更新 - 1


第 104 節 - 更新 - 2



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication164
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DBAPPSEntities _db = new DBAPPSEntities();

            _db.DEL_STU_INV = new List<DEL_STU_INV>() {
                new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59456, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,15), STU_ID = 197, STU_Name = "New_Student1", Amount = 1000},
                 new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59457, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,10), STU_ID = 197, STU_Name = "New_Student2", Amount = 1000},
                 new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59458, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,10), STU_ID = 103, STU_Name = "New_Student3", Amount = 1000},
                 new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59459, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,10), STU_ID = 184, STU_Name = "New_Student4", Amount = 1000},
                 new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59460, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,10), STU_ID = 197, STU_Name = "New_Student5", Amount = 1000}

            _db.PAYMENT = new List<PAYMENT>() {
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 1, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,18), STU_ID = 197, INV_ID = 59456, Paid_Amount = 200, Balance = 800},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 2, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 934, INV_ID = 59458, Paid_Amount = 500, Balance = 500},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 3, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 197, INV_ID = 59456, Paid_Amount = 250, Balance = 550},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 4, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 197, INV_ID = 59457, Paid_Amount = 1000, Balance = 0},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 5, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 950, INV_ID = 59459, Paid_Amount = 1000, Balance = 0},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 6, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 197, INV_ID = 59456, Paid_Amount = 500, Balance = 50},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 7, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 196, INV_ID = 59458, Paid_Amount = 250, Balance = 250},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 8, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 1060, INV_ID = 59458, Paid_Amount = 250, Balance = 0}

            int Stu_ID = 197;
            var List = (from s in _db.DEL_STU_INV.Where(x => x.STU_ID == Stu_ID)
                        join p in _db.PAYMENT on s.INVOICE_ID equals p.INV_ID into ps
                        from z  in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        select new { s = s, p = (z == null)? null : z }
                        .GroupBy(x => x.s.INVOICE_ID)
                        .Select(x =>
                                invoice = new Result() { type = "Invoice", id = x.Key, date = x.First().s.Inv_Issue_Date, amount = x.First().s.Amount },
                                payments = x.Select(y => (y.p == null)? null : new Result() { type = "Payment", id = y.p.PAYMENT_ID, date = y.p.PDate, amount = y.p.Paid_Amount })
                            }).Select(y => (y.payments.Count() == 1) ? new List<Result>() { y.invoice } : (new List<Result>() { y.invoice }).Concat(y.payments).ToList())
    public class DBAPPSEntities
        public List<DEL_STU_INV> DEL_STU_INV { get;set;}
        public List<PAYMENT> PAYMENT { get; set; }
    public class DEL_STU_INV
       public int STU_ID { get; set; }
       public string STU_Name{ get;set;}
       public int INVOICE_ID { get; set; }
       public int Amount { get; set;}
       public DateTime Inv_Issue_Date { get; set; }
       public DateTime Inv_Due_Date { get; set; }
       public string Inv_Month_1 { get; set; }
       public string Inv_Month_2 {get; set; }
       public string Inv_Month_3 { get; set; }
       public string Inv_Note { get; set; }
       public string Adjust_Type { get; set; }
    public class PAYMENT
        public int PAYMENT_ID { get; set; }
        public DateTime PDate { get; set; }
        public int STU_ID { get; set; }
        public int INV_ID { get; set; }
        public int Paid_Amount { get; set; }
        public int Balance { get; set; }
    public class Transaction
        public int InvoiceID { get;set;} 
        public DateTime InvoiceIDate { get;set;} 
        public DateTime InvoiceDDate { get;set;} 
        public string Invoice_Month1 { get;set;} 
        public string Invoice_Month2 { get;set;} 
        public string Invoice_Month3 { get;set;} 
        public string Invoice_Note { get;set;}
        public string Invoice_Adjustment { get; set; }
        public string Invoice_Type_Name { get; set; } 

    public class Result
        public string type { get; set; }
        public int id { get; set; }
        public DateTime date { get; set; }
        public int amount { get; set; }


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