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Datatable C# - How to get detail record from one table and its associated sub record from another table based on ID

I have a student records in datatable if I click on any single record it performs two operations.

  1. Get Student detailed Information and it is working fine as mentioned in the image circled in green using getJson.

  2. I also want to get all invoices of selected student and its payments.

    NOTE: Invoices can be one or more and payment also can one or more.


Issue - Circled in Red

a. I am getting No data available in table first row of datatable.


b. Only getting data from Invoice table and not getting data from payment table.

c. Not able to select record from table.

Solution / Workaround Looking for

As user select any student from list it should show all invoice and its corresponding payments then move on to next invoice and its related payments.


Student ID: 123

Invoice ID: 12345, 12347, 123479

Payments ID: 12 for invoice id 12345, 14 for 12345, 17 for 12347 and so on.


var oTable1;
        oTable1 = $('#invoiceNo').dataTable();
        $('#invoiceNo').on('click', 'tr', function ()
            var stu_id = $(this).find('td').eq(0).text();
                var aid = parseInt(stu_id);
                    id: aid
                function (data) {
                    num_rows = data.length;
                    var myTable = $('#inv_pay').DataTable();

                        $(data).each(function (index, item) {
                            $('#inv_pay tbody').append(
                            '<tr><td>' + this.InvoiceID +
                            '</td><td>' + this.InvoiceIDate +
                            '</td><td>' + this.Invoice_Type_Name +


Linq Query

public IList<Transaction> GetInvByStuID()
                DBAPPSEntities _db = new DBAPPSEntities();
                this.Invoice_Type_Name = "Invoice";
                IList<Transaction> List = (from q in _db.DEL_STU_INV
                                           where q.STU_ID == this.Stu_ID
                                           select new Transaction
                                               InvoiceID = q.INVOICE_ID,
                                               InvoiceIDate = q.Inv_Issue_Date,
                                               InvoiceDDate = q.Inv_Due_Date,
                                               Invoice_Month1 = q.Inv_Month_1,
                                               Invoice_Month2 = q.Inv_Month_2,
                                               Invoice_Month3 = q.Inv_Month_3,
                                               Invoice_Note = q.Inv_Note,
                                               Invoice_Adjustment = q.Adjust_Type,
                                               Invoice_Type_Name = this.Invoice_Type_Name,
                return List;
                return null;

NOTE:- The linq query is only from invoice table and not sure how to combine with payment table and it can be altered.


Controller - Setting Student ID

 public JsonResult showStu_Inv_Pay(int id)
            var model = new Transaction { Stu_ID = id }; // student id set to model 

            var data = model.GetInvByStuID();
            return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Section 102

Sample Data

需要 LINQ 查询

Section 103 - Update - 1


Section 104 - Update - 2


Try following code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication164
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DBAPPSEntities _db = new DBAPPSEntities();

            _db.DEL_STU_INV = new List<DEL_STU_INV>() {
                new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59456, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,15), STU_ID = 197, STU_Name = "New_Student1", Amount = 1000},
                 new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59457, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,10), STU_ID = 197, STU_Name = "New_Student2", Amount = 1000},
                 new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59458, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,10), STU_ID = 103, STU_Name = "New_Student3", Amount = 1000},
                 new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59459, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,10), STU_ID = 184, STU_Name = "New_Student4", Amount = 1000},
                 new DEL_STU_INV() { INVOICE_ID = 59460, Inv_Issue_Date = new DateTime(20,6,1), Inv_Due_Date = new DateTime(20,6,10), STU_ID = 197, STU_Name = "New_Student5", Amount = 1000}

            _db.PAYMENT = new List<PAYMENT>() {
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 1, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,18), STU_ID = 197, INV_ID = 59456, Paid_Amount = 200, Balance = 800},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 2, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 934, INV_ID = 59458, Paid_Amount = 500, Balance = 500},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 3, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 197, INV_ID = 59456, Paid_Amount = 250, Balance = 550},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 4, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 197, INV_ID = 59457, Paid_Amount = 1000, Balance = 0},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 5, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 950, INV_ID = 59459, Paid_Amount = 1000, Balance = 0},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 6, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 197, INV_ID = 59456, Paid_Amount = 500, Balance = 50},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 7, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 196, INV_ID = 59458, Paid_Amount = 250, Balance = 250},
                new PAYMENT() { PAYMENT_ID = 8, PDate = new DateTime(20,6,17), STU_ID = 1060, INV_ID = 59458, Paid_Amount = 250, Balance = 0}

            int Stu_ID = 197;
            var List = (from s in _db.DEL_STU_INV.Where(x => x.STU_ID == Stu_ID)
                        join p in _db.PAYMENT on s.INVOICE_ID equals p.INV_ID into ps
                        from z  in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        select new { s = s, p = (z == null)? null : z }
                        .GroupBy(x => x.s.INVOICE_ID)
                        .Select(x =>
                                invoice = new Result() { type = "Invoice", id = x.Key, date = x.First().s.Inv_Issue_Date, amount = x.First().s.Amount },
                                payments = x.Select(y => (y.p == null)? null : new Result() { type = "Payment", id = y.p.PAYMENT_ID, date = y.p.PDate, amount = y.p.Paid_Amount })
                            }).Select(y => (y.payments.Count() == 1) ? new List<Result>() { y.invoice } : (new List<Result>() { y.invoice }).Concat(y.payments).ToList())
    public class DBAPPSEntities
        public List<DEL_STU_INV> DEL_STU_INV { get;set;}
        public List<PAYMENT> PAYMENT { get; set; }
    public class DEL_STU_INV
       public int STU_ID { get; set; }
       public string STU_Name{ get;set;}
       public int INVOICE_ID { get; set; }
       public int Amount { get; set;}
       public DateTime Inv_Issue_Date { get; set; }
       public DateTime Inv_Due_Date { get; set; }
       public string Inv_Month_1 { get; set; }
       public string Inv_Month_2 {get; set; }
       public string Inv_Month_3 { get; set; }
       public string Inv_Note { get; set; }
       public string Adjust_Type { get; set; }
    public class PAYMENT
        public int PAYMENT_ID { get; set; }
        public DateTime PDate { get; set; }
        public int STU_ID { get; set; }
        public int INV_ID { get; set; }
        public int Paid_Amount { get; set; }
        public int Balance { get; set; }
    public class Transaction
        public int InvoiceID { get;set;} 
        public DateTime InvoiceIDate { get;set;} 
        public DateTime InvoiceDDate { get;set;} 
        public string Invoice_Month1 { get;set;} 
        public string Invoice_Month2 { get;set;} 
        public string Invoice_Month3 { get;set;} 
        public string Invoice_Note { get;set;}
        public string Invoice_Adjustment { get; set; }
        public string Invoice_Type_Name { get; set; } 

    public class Result
        public string type { get; set; }
        public int id { get; set; }
        public DateTime date { get; set; }
        public int amount { get; set; }

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