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Unity C# 動作代表 - 如何創建列表<action>具有不同的參數類型?</action>

[英]Unity C# Action Delegates - How to Create List<Action> with different parameter types?


我想創建一個Action List ,我最終可以在OnDestroy生命周期方法調用期間循環並清除/取消它。


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Game : MonoBehaviour
    // Action delegate
    public static Action OnEvent1;
    public static Action<int> OnEvent2;
    public static Action<Vector2> OnEvent3;
    public static Action<Vector2> OnEvent4;
    public static Action OnEvent5;
    public static Action<bool> OnEvent6;

    private List<Action> ActionListToClear = new List<Action>() {
        OnEvent1, // all good
        OnEvent2, // Error as Action<int> is not Action
        OnEvent3, // Error as Action<Vector2> is not Action
        OnEvent4, // Error as Action<Vector2> is not Action
        OnEvent5, // all good
        OnEvent6  // Error as Action<bool> is not Action


    private void OnDestroy()
        foreach (Action action in ActionListToClear )
            action = null;


private List<Action<T>> ActionList = new List<Action<T>() { OnEvent1, OnEvent2... etc. };


The type or namespace name 'T' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

有誰知道創建具有不同Action類型的List<Action>的最佳方法? 即帶參數和不帶參數? 謝謝!

我要試一試。 您問題下的所有評論都很棒。 你必須以更加面向對象的方式思考。 這里有一個關於如何完成你想要的東西的想法,也許會讓你跳出框框思考更多。 無論如何,我並不是說你應該這樣做。 只是對您可以使用的東西的想法。

所以你定義了一個接口,這是所有“Action”對象的共同點。 你在你的問題中說你只是想要一種“銷毀”它們的方法,所以我們將強制實現它的任何東西也實現Destory()

public interface IAction
    void Destroy();

現在我們創建一個“基礎”動作,它可以執行 1 個參數,該參數具有Destroy應該執行的默認實現:

public abstract class BaseAction<T> : IAction
    public Action<T> Action { get; protected set; }
    public virtual void Destroy()
        Action = null;

現在我們創建另一個“基礎”動作,它可以執行 0 個參數,該動作具有Destroy應該執行的默認實現:

public abstract class BaseAction : IAction
    public Action Action { get; protected set; }

    public virtual void Destroy()
        Action = null;


public class Event6 : BaseAction<bool>
    public Event6()
        Action = new Action<bool>(x =>
            Console.WriteLine($"I just executed Event 6 with {x}"));

public class Event7 : BaseAction
    public Event7()
        Action = new Action(() =>
            Console.WriteLine("I just executed Event 7"));

    public override void Destroy()
        // do something special here

public class Event8 : BaseAction<int>
    public Event8()
        Action = new Action<int>(x =>
            Console.WriteLine($"I just executed Event 8 with {x}"));


private Event6 _ev6 = new Event6();
private Event7 _ev7 = new Event7();
private Event8 _ev8 = new Event8();

public void Main(string[] args)
    // how you'd call the actions:

    // now remember, the `Action` member could be null if they were Destroyed... see below

    // you can then create an array of them because they all have "IAction" in common
    var lst = new List<IAction> { _ev6, _ev7, _ev8 };

    // you can also iterate over them and destroy them.
    lst.ForEach(x => x.Destroy());  



private void OnDestroy()
    OnEvent1 = null;
    OnEvent2 = null;
    OnEvent3 = null;


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