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我向一個函數發送了 3 個值,但在函數之后我只想再次測試第 3 個函數返回。 我怎樣才能做到這一點?

[英]I an sending 3 values to a function but after the function I just want to test agains the 3th function return. How can I do this?

rows = 22
rowsMax = 21
columns = 117
columnMax = 117
status = "True"

def DrawBoard (rows,columns,status):
  if rows > rowsMax or columns > columnMax:
     status = "False"
     rows = 0
     columns = 0
  return rows,columns,status


# I want to test only the status returns from the function but get error
# DrawBoard() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'columns' and 'status'.
if DrawBoard(status) == "False":
  print("Either the row and columns maximum were excepted")

如果您編寫DrawBoard(.., .., ..)那是一個函數調用,因此您正在調用該函數並返回其返回值。 要保存這些值,您可以這樣做

ret1, ret2, ret3 = DrawBoard(rows, columns, status)


if ret3 == False:

您還可以直接訪問第三個返回值,而無需使用DrawBoard(rows, columns, status)[2]將它們存儲在變量中。


class Board:

    def __init__(self, rows, rowsMax, columns, columnMax):
        self.rows = rows
        self.rowsMax = rowsMax
        self.columns = columns
        self.columnMax = columnMax
        self.status = True

    def drawBoard(self):
        msgError = 'Either the row and columns maximum were excepted'
        if self.rows > self.rowsMax or self.columns > self.columnMax:
            self.status = False
            self.rows = 0
            self.columns = 0
            msgError = 'All fine!'

        return msgError

if __name__ == '__main__':
    newBoard = Board(22, 21, 117, 117)
    print(newBoard.drawBoard())  # Either the row and columns maximum were excepted
    print(newBoard.status)  # False

    newBoard = Board(20, 21, 117, 117)
    print(newBoard.drawBoard())  # All fine!
    print(newBoard.status)  # True

訪問狀態就像self.status在類中的 True 或 False 一樣簡單,或者使用帶有newBoard.status的對象......


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